Anger, Pt. 1

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Taekwoon stared at the unconscious body lying on the sofa. She looked sort of peaceful and someone could've said, without any doubts in their mind, that she was already dead and beyond any saving. He waited for a moment before kneeling down next to her with his eyes closed and, just as if it were already programmed, the memories of his first time trying his new 'job' came to his mind.

A young, fair-skinned lady was his target. As soon as he saw her, a heat appeared on his chest, something he considered odd as it had been a while since he had been able to distinguish cold from hot; it felt as if it wrapped itself around his body, filling an imperceptible void he didn't even know existed, and it helped him to know who he had to get, because as soon as he took his eyes off her back the already familiar cold came back to him.

Unknown random memories appeared too, and only after trying to decipher them he realized those were hers. She didn't seem to notice the stranger following her, nor did she seem to perceive his piercing stare. Her long hair waved side to side as she walked, almost hypnotizing him as he followed the movement and hitting the small bag hanging from her left shoulder. It became harder to follow her through the big crowd that seemed to grow a lot more in each street corner, but he managed to keep up way more easily than he had expected.

At one point, after a few minutes, she made a left and walked into a dark alleyway, which confused him greatly. She stopped halfway through, and slowly turned around to face him. The smell of garbage and the sound of flies filled the place, and he was sure that, under other circumstances, he would've gotten nauseous right away.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

Her voice was soft and low and he could tell she was scared. The heat grew stronger as her voice reached his ears, and a foreign feeling replaced the earlier confusion and subsequent calm; it was pure, raw emotion, some sort of rage, something that he found awkward but quite comfortable at the same time. Taekwoon felt it seeping through every fibre of his being, reaching places he didn't know could even be reached and consuming everything else inside of him leaving only what felt like an ash trace behind.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

She repeated those same words with the same tone and he felt as if it were kind of robotic. He walked closer to her and she seemed to notice something was wrong despite him feeling nothing had change on the outside. He muttered a small 'no' before reaching out his hand to touch her arm, but she backed away quickly.

"Why are your eyes red?" her question caught him off guard; he had no idea that that could happen, but that was the least of his worries at that point. He squinted and looked at her straight in the eyes, and he knew she was now terrified of him. Walking forward, he reached out for her again and this time there was no backing away. It was as if the heat transmitted from his body to hers, only through a simple touch of the hand. She seemed to notice straight away – her eyes opened wide, and her body went completely stiff; they stood like that for a moment, only the sound of the street filling the silence, when she finally closed her eyes after what seemed like an eternity.

He knew he had done what he needed to when she closed her eyes again and fainted, falling on his arms. The earlier rage dissipated very slowly and he took the chance to look at her limp body from a closer angle. Unsure he had seen them before, he noticed small purple spots starting to appear on her skin, mostly on her arms but there were also a few ones on her neck, and when he saw them getting darker by the second he thought he was going insane, a little bit more than he already felt.

Taekwoon smiled as he recalled her relaxed features, feeling her heartbeat faintly going on against his chest but the fact that she was still breathing was barely noticeable from the outside. He held her close for a few more moments before picking her up bridal style and carrying her off the alleyway, people around them clearly worried about it but he managed to convince each and every one of them that she was actually his girlfriend who had had a fever a few days before and was now having a small relapse; some offered to call an ambulance just in case, but he said no, telling them that his house was close and that he'd make sure she was okay. His soft voice and confidence made people believe whatever he said rather easily, and he made use of this 'ability' whenever he wanted to get something.

She died a few hours later at his house, and he made sure everything seemed natural before taking her back to her own place with the help of the many thoughts that now roamed through his mind thanks to coming in contact with her. Just as a shadow in the dark, he disappeared quickly than he had expected, not even looking back once; he never knew what happened with her body and he couldn't quite remember what happened in her limbo, but once her soul was gone too it was as if he felt hungry for more.

"Taekwoon, do you think she'll get out of it?" Hakyeon's voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and the image of the girl's face faded away little by little.

"If she does," he replied, getting up still staring at Kim, "we'll have no other choice but take her back until she does what's right. But I'm sure that he's already on his way back; if we don't make this quick, there'll be a chance for him to intervene again, and I think we've all agreed with not going through that again, haven't we?"

"Don't you think it's too intricate? Can't one of us just go there and lead her towards the right path?"

Taekwoon thought about it for a moment; it was something g that he didn't really want to do, but he didn't rule it out as a possibility in case things became too difficult or that plans didn't go as expected. Taking one last peek at her, he turned around and walked away while saying, "She was already close. I'm sure that she'll go towards it again, but we'll take care of it if we need to."

At that point, another thought sped through his mind, making him smile. "Wonshik's coming back."

The others raised their heads and smiled too, everyone already knowing that he'd be against what they were doing. Thinking about what would happen, he watched as they all gathered together to discuss something, but he didn't even want to know what it was.

Walking towards the kitchen, the lady came back to his mind, and, just as many times before, he imagined what it would be like if he had met her before he turned. He didn't know why he did that to himself; it was a different type of torture, something that didn't quite hurt but that wouldn't leave him alone. Although he didn't remember ever falling in love nor did he ever experience anything like that, it was the closest label he could put on his feelings.

He put his back against the wall, taking a deep breath. "Jiyeon," he muttered to himself with sorrow in his tone. "I'm sorry that it had to be you." A cold shiver ran down his spine as he looked out the window, the darkness of the night being calm and soothing in his eyes.

A single tear rolled down his cheek as he heard someone walking into the room, but he didn't even bother to wipe it away.

"He's here," Jaehwan announced without even mentioning his friend's emotions. "We feel his anger. Are we going to do something about it?"

With a smile, Taekwoon stared at him, saying nothing as he walked back into the living room. The others were already gathered around Kim's body, as if protecting her, or rather to avoid Wonshik getting to her. He heard the car stopping on the driveway, then the sound of its door shutting really loud. In what seemed to be just a second, the main door opened with a din, revealing a half-smiling, half furious-looking Wonshik on the other side.

"And so, the prodigal son comes back home."


So here we are, once again! I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update this one, I've had various things happening these past few weeks >.< This was originally meant to be longer, but I decided to split it in two so it wouldn't be that long; also, I've decided to add a few more chapters so the story's not that much short. I think I still have a lot I can put in it and I wish to do it the right way. I hope you guys can forgive me for taking so long, lol. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it and thanks for 5.8k+ reads! ♥

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