Dinner And Truth

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“You’re a little off today, is everything okay?” Kim heard Jia ask from the inside of her locker. Looking back, she saw her friend trying to find something on it, finally taking out the keys to the shop. “Let me guess: it’s because of Wonshik.”

Kim rolled her eyes, not wanting to admit that he was the reason why her thoughts were somewhere else that day. “It’s because I have to… prepare the stuff for my parents. Remember that I told you they were coming to visit? It’s going to be soon, so I must be ready by the time they arrive.” She tried her best to hide her reddened face, and hoped with all her might that her friend bought that story. There was a silence for a minute, before Jia sighed loudly.

“Well, if you need help with that, just tell me,” she said before quickly closing her locker and making her way to the door. “And make sure that your mind is on the right place. There’s only one more hour to go, it’s a Friday, and the boss is around; you don’t want him to see you daydreaming and not paying attention to work,” and with that she left, walking loudly back to the counter.

Sitting in one of the few chairs that they had there along with a small table, she tried her best to get him off her mind. It was distracting and it was making her more nervous than she already was. Come on Kim, one more hour and you’re off, she thought, and smiling, she got up and fixed her clothes before walking out of the room too.

The rain was pouring outside, but for some reason it didn’t bother her at all, knowing about what would happen thanks to the weather. The evening was quiet, but there were a few new customers on the shop during the afternoon, making their day a little bit more tiring. When the clock stroke 8:30 o’clock, the shop was already empty except for the girls and their boss; their co-workers had already left a few minutes ago, but Kim asked Jia to wait for a little longer.

“Girls, why haven’t you left yet?” Hyunwoo’s body popped out of his small office, his small bag in his right hand and a frown on his face. He seemed tired, and for a minute Kim thought he was going to scold them. “I thought you would’ve gone with your partners earlier.” Phew, apparently he was in a good mood, much to the girls’ luck.

“We were just waiting for Kim’s boyfriend, Hyunwoo-ssi,” Jia said quickly, earning a slap on the arm from her friend which made her jump. “What? He’s your boyfriend,” when Kim saw her slightly winking without being noticed by the boss, she understood that it was just so he wouldn’t get mad at them.

“Well, we don’t want any labels yet,” she laughed nervously and looked at the floor as if trying to avoid the man’s gaze. “But we promise to leave and lock everything as soon as he gets here, Hyunwoo-ssi.” He just nodded and bowed as he exited the shop without looking back. As soon as he was out of their sight, Kim turned to Jia and looked at her with frustration. “Unnie, couldn’t you think of a better excuse? Now he’ll think that it’s my fault that we’re still here!”

“Calm down, Kimmie, don’t take that seriously,” she turned her attention to the keys in her hand; looking for the one that locked the main doors, she took her time while Kim stared at the clock hanging on the wall. “Don’t worry; I’m sure he’s already on the way here.”

And just as she was saying that, the sound of the door opening made them both turn around. Kim smiled as she saw Wonshik entering the place. He was holding an umbrella and his clothes didn’t seem to be affected by the rain at all. She walked over to him after making sure that her own clothes were fine.

“Hey,” he said, both of them bowing quickly. “Are you ready to go?” Kim looked at Jia, who was seemed to be trying her best to not squeal in excitement. Signalling for them to go, Kim turned her attention back to him and nodded slightly. Grabbing her hand and leading her outside, he waited until she said goodbye to Jia while opening the umbrella. His car was parked across the street, and even though it was a short walk he made sure that she was the one under the cover. He opened the passenger’s door for her, and it made her feel like someone important. As soon as he ran to his door and got in, a loud sigh escaped through his lips. “So, you’re okay with going to my place?”

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