Anger, Pt. 2

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Rather than an angry smile, what was plastered on Wonshik's face was more of a hateful grimace that could have resembled something else under other circumstances. He felt his skin burning with the desire to end whoever dared to stand in his way, and at that very moment those people in front of him looking at him with fake surprise were the very thing setting him back.

He stared at each one of them, trying to analyze his every course of action available but stopping halfway through to stare at Kim's body on the sofa, and much to his amazement she was still alive, although barely breathing. The Reapers were all grinning at him, creeping but encouraging him at the same time. Entering his house, he closed the door behind very carefully, locking it and throwing the key on the floor.

"I knew this day would happen, but I didn't imagine it would be so soon," he half hissed at his friends. "What in the world made you so determined to do it?"

"I'm sure you're taking this personally, and I wouldn't blame you at all," Hakyeon replied softly. "However, I'm sure you remember we talked over this and what our stance in this whole situation was. We needed to take measures that may be a little extreme but that also are necessary as we have to move on with our duty." He walked over to Wonshik and put an arm around his shoulders, making the youngest one clench his teeth trying to refrain from doing anything else. "You know that I understand you more than anything, but really, don't blame it on us either."

Turning around to look at him, Wonshik half smiled and whispered on his ear, "The only one that can sort of understand is Taekwoon. You, on the other hand... being abused is a horrible thing; you couldn't do anything to save your girl. It must've been terrible to watch her suffer everyday knowing you couldn't do anything for her, wasn't it?"

He couldn't tell if what filled Hakyeon's expression was pain or anger, but he couldn't have cared any less about it. "What... what did you just say?" In what seemed like a split second, he pulled his arm with a clenched fist and quickly threw it forward, knocking Wonshik back and cornering him against the wall. "You think you're so smart, huh? Hah, I can only remember your girl's expression when I almost got her soul; she's so fragile, easy to break. I wonder if the afterlife will be suited for her."

The never-ending heat got a hold of him again, adrenaline rushing through his veins. Noticing the faint taste of blood in his mouth, he grabbed Hakyeon's shirt collar and brought him closer to him, his breath hitting the older guy's face as he said, "If she dies, you will all be sorry." Not daring to say a word or do anything, the others looked at the two of them, seemingly interested on what was going on.

Hakyeon just smiled as he punched him on the stomach, leaving him unable to breathe properly for a brief moment. As he recovered, Hakyeon started to walk away triumphantly before Wonshik grabbed his arm and turned him around with his free hand pulled back in a fist. Realizing what was going to happen, Hakyeon tried to slip away from his grasp but was unable to do it quickly, as Wonshik's fist met his face, the force of the punch making him tumble and fall backwards.

Wonshik smiled down at him before kneeling down on top of him and punching him another time, this time hitting and breaking his nose. Small droplets of blood escaped from the cut and hit the floor as another fist hit Hakyeon's jaw, making him cough up some saliva tinted red. Wonshik got up, and before turning to the others he delivered a strong kick to Hakyeon's stomach, making him curl up in a ball and moan in pain.

He looked at his small audience while breathing heavily as a small clap came from Taekwoon. "Your determination to get what you want never ceases to amaze me. I find it... alluring in an odd way, maybe even envy-worthy," he said calmly. "You were always one of the strongest ones between us, both emotionally and mentally. It's such a shame that you're wasting that strength on something so ephemeral like a simple human. You have so much more, why waste it on that?"

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