Me- Are you sure tho?

Sen- Yes I got the addy off V's phone just in case.

Izzy- Allow it you mann Im going to that aswell dont ruin it

Me- You snake. You werent even gonna tell me.

Izzy- You didnt ask

I shook my head. We ended up going home around 10ish because Izzy went to meet his friends so they could go. I was so annoyed and we just went to bed. The house was quiet and empty. Sen and I stared blankly at the ceiling.

Me- What you tryna do?

Sen- I say we pull up

Me- Ive got no car though... wait.

I called Tyson. She was on it. She was angry at Jeremiah for leaving Tyriah with her while he goes and parties. It seemed like everyone but us was invited to the party. She was gonna take both Isaiah and Tyriah to her mums. She cabbed it to us and we got a cab to the party. We all knew what we came for. Tyson knew the birthday girl personally and she came downstairs to let us in. She was drunk and judging by her outfit... if the rest of the girls are dressed like this then I see why the boys didnt want us to come.

I looked around and Tyson tapped me.

Tyson- Emmanuels there come quick

She pulled me round the corner. Luckily he didnt see me. Sen was still standing there and he walked up to her. I couldnt hear their conversation but Im assuming he pointed over to Vianni... what a snitch. She walked over there. He continued walking wherever he was going. Tyson spotted Jeremiah talking to a girl. She looked at me. I nodded..

We walked over there.

Me- Urm babe Ive been looking for you

Jeremiah- What?

Me- I was waiting for you in the bathroom but you never came

He looked so puzzled I almost laughed but that would've flopped the set. I had to firm it. Tyson came and pushed me aside

Tyson- Who are these girls? Jerry are you cheating on me!?

Jeremiah- Woah wtf is going on!?

Me- Cheating on her Jeremiah!? What is she talking about ??

The girl just shook her head and left. We burst out laughing as soon as we saw she disappear into another room.

Me- Wheres Emmanuel?

Jeremiah sighed and scratched his head.

Tyson- J hurry up and snitch on him fam. Hes with a girl init

He looked at me and my heart chipped. Just a little bit. He definitely is. I just walked away to find Izzy.

He was talking to his mandem. He was waving a zoot around so I snatched it.

Izzy- Ay wtf... Nelli? When did you get here?

Me- Not too long ago

We hugged but he was so drunk he didnt pull away from the hug. He kept his arm around me. So I stood there talking with him and his friends. I completely forgot what I came for until...

"Yo Izz dont make it bait but some tall dark yute is preeing you hard. He looks pissed" One of his friends said while discreetly pointing behind him. Izzy turned around slighty only to tell me it was Emmanuel and he looked like he was mad.

I turned around and winked. He marched over to me.

Emmanuel- Go home you should be with Sie.

Me- Hes with his cousin anyways I was having a conversation

All for the goodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя