Chapter 5: late night conversations

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*Minho's POV*
After Alby told everyone to go to bed, Y/n cleaned up her plate and told everyone goodnight.
"Yes I know Minho, I'll be up on time tomorrow. Goodnight." she said while pulling me into a hug, I returned the hug and replied with,
"Alright goodnight." She then told Alby, Newt and Thomas goodnight, and headed off to bed. Alby and Newt left to go help the others clean up, so it was just me and the greenie left cleaning up our area.

After a few minutes, Thomas broke the awkward silence between the two of us asking,
" and y/n..."
I had no idea what that was supposed to mean considering it sounded like he wasn't finished asking the question.
"What about us?" I asked.
"Are you two like, y'know...together or..."

The question surprised me considering he already knew how the rules were, so I didn't think that he'd assume we were together, but I guess he did. But the question also made me feel a certain way. I don't know how to explain it, it just felt...different.

"Oh no of course not. Why would you think that?" I asked.
"I don't know you guys just seem really close and everything. I don't know I guess I just thought you two were dating or something." He explained.

"Yeah I get it, we are really close, but we're best friends, and have been the whole time we've been in here. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why do you wanna know if we're together? You're not trying to get with her are you?" I asked suspiciously, stepping closer to him. I watched as Thomas' eyes widened slightly as he backed up.
"Uh n-no I-I just was asking.
"Good, then we won't have any problems. Night."
"Uh o-ok. G-goodnight."
I lied in my hammock with my forearm resting above my head, staring at the stars above me in the night sky. I just couldn't stop thinking about the way that I felt when Thomas was asking me those questions. It's almost like I was jealous, but why would I be?

She's my best friend, and we aren't dating so there's no reason for me to be jealous if Thomas wants to be with y/n, but I still am and I don't know why. It's like, I don't want to be with her romantically, but I don't want anyone else to be with her either. I soon fell asleep while contemplating my feelings.

*Thomas' POV*
After Minho told me him and y/n weren't dating, I was a little excited. Although I did still have to deal with Alby and his rules, at least I knew I didn't have to worry about Minho. I went in the direction of my hammock to go to bed.
About two hours had passed, and I was still wide awake. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wanted to go see her. But it's too late she's probably asleep. Or maybe she's awake because she can't sleep just like I am.

It probably wasn't the smartest idea, but I decided to go to her room, making sure I didn't wake anyone else, especially Alby. After quietly sneaking across the area between the hammocks and y/n's room, I finally made it. I gently knocked on the door, and to my surprise, she was awake.

"Come in." she said. I opened the door and when she saw who it was she smiled.
"Oh hey Thomas."
"Hey." I replied standing awkwardly near the door that I'd just come through.
" you need something or..." I internally face palmed. I hadn't thought about what my excuse was for coming in here was! Now what do I do?
"Oh no I uh- I just was...yknow awake and I uh..." I saw the look of confusion prominent on her face, so I decided to stop trying to make up an excuse and just tell her the truth.
"I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you, and I wanted to come see you I am." I spit out nervously scratching the back of my neck as I awaited her response.

She smiled.
"Aw that's so cute. I actually couldn't sleep either so I'm glad you came in here, now I have someone to talk to." She said happily. We started having a small conversation, making sure we stayed quiet enough to not get caught.
"Y'know it's really hard to have a whispering conversation when you're all the way on the other side of the room."
"Oh sorry." I said scooting over so I was standing closer to her bed.
"Oh my gosh Thomas just sit down," She said scooting over and patting the spot beside her on the bed.
"I don't bite." She said in a matter of fact tone. I just chuckled and took a seat next to her. We continued our random conversations about what it's like in the glade and the different jobs people have here.

"I think you'd be a great builder. I mean you got the muscles." she motioning to my arms.
"Thank you, but I'd prefer not to have to work with Gally everyday. What job do you have?" I asked her.
"Oh I'm a runner, with Minho of course." I saw her smile slightly when she said his name. Maybe I should be a runner, then I could get to know her better.

"Do you think I could maybe be a runner too?"I asked.
"Oh I don't make that decision, Minho does. He is the keeper of the runners after all. But if you're really interested I can talk to him for you." She offered.
"Yea I'd really appreciate that."

A few minutes later, she rested her head onto my shoulder while yawning.
"I'm getting kinda tired now."
"Yeah me too. Well I'll go now so you can get some sleep." I said as I stood up. Before I left she called after me.
"Hey Thomas?"
"Thanks for staying and talking with me." She said with a genuine smile.
"Of course. Goodnight."

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now