Chapter 2

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Arthur's POV

I walked down the street deep in thought when it started raining.
"Thank God I have my umbrella" I thought as i opened it and continued walking through the dark street.

That's when I heard the sound of....a garbage can falling? I was curious so I went the place I heard the sound and I saw a lady in a beautiful purple and pink kimono get thrown against the wall and fall down.

It was quiet but due to my sharp ears I managed to hear a faint "" come from the girl.

I went up behind the man and knocked him out.

"tch, pathetic." I said as I stared at his limp body.

I went to the girl and saw she had lost conciousness. I put the umbrella through holes in my jackets which could hold it up and then picked up the girl.

"I guess I'll take her to Captain Shinmon" I thought as I walked off towards his home.

Reaching there I slowly took off my shoes and tried to walk to my room as quietly as possible since it was 3am.

"What are you up to this late at night?" I heard the 7th's Captain say.

"Uh just a walk to clear my head" I said turning around to face him.

"who is that" he inquired staring at the girl in my hands

"oh uh I found her getting harassed by a guy in an alley on my way back" I explained

"a guy harassing.....I'll find him tomorrow, For now you can let her sleep in the other guest room" He said as he motioned me to follow him.

I looked around and started making my way to the said guest room and placed her next to the futon.

"Her clothes are drenched, but so are mine. I cant put her on the Futon" I thought as I turned around to Look at the captain.

"Wait I'll get someone" he said and left. shortly later he returned with a lady who looks like she was in her mid 20s

"I'll help change her, but I need a shirt and pants" she said. The Captain left and returned with extra clothes, His clothes.

We left the room and waited outside as she cleaned her up and changed her clothes.

A few minutes later she came out and we thanked her then she left.

Walking inside with the Captain I saw her laying there on the futon, her silky (h/c) spread out on the pillow.

"We have training tomorrow, go sleep" Captain said as he cut off my train of thoughts.

I bowed and walked out towards my room as I got drowsy at once.


I fell down with a huge noise as Shinra collided with me after being blown away by Captain Shinmon.

"Ok Take a break" He said.

"FINALLY" I thought as I pushed Shinra off of me and dusted the dirty off of me.

"Hi, I wanted to thank you for saving me" I heard someone say. I turned around to see the girl from the yesterday bowing.

"oh no dont thank me, It's my duty as a knight" I said as I looked her in the eyes.

She seemed confused so Shinra spoke up.

"Dont mind him, I'm Shinra Kusakabe and you are?" He asked with a grin

"I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you" She replied with a huge smile.

"she has a pretty smile" I thought as I smiled to myself

"wait do her???impossible I just met her omg" I panicked in my head

"Come have some watermelon guys" konro shouted as he waved at us.

Y/n's POV

Ah water melon, we walked over to Konro and Captain Shinmon.

"these look amazing" Shinra exclaimed as they all sat down and started eating.

But Benimaru was not eating, I wonder why. They all took a slice and started to dig in but I couldnt take it. So i stood up and left, I walked to the garden and sat on the wooden area with my feet dangling at the edge as I got lost in my thoughts.

"calm down, calm down it's okay." I said trying to reassure myself and calm down.

"why arent you eating" I heard someone ask as they sat next to me.

"I'm not hungry" I replied as I turned to look at them, Captain Shinmon.

"I need to ask you something" He started, I nodded as a sign for him to continue.

"Tell me about what happened yesterday, about that man" He finished.

"oh, its uh a pretty long story but I'll shorten it. Yesterday after a pretty with my friends they dragged me to the club but I ended up being targetted by a weird man who kept following me.  so I ran out and he followed, Then.....yeah that's basically it" I stopped as i looked down

"Then what?" He asked not buying it

"then He harassed me and Arthur saved me, that's all" I finished and closed my eyes.

"Do you remember what he looked like" He asked

"Yes I do"i answered

"Later today come with me, I need you to help me find him" He said, and I nodded.

we sat there in silence as I got lost in my thoughts again.

"Oh I've been meaning to ask, wo changed my clothes?" I asked getting red.

"A lady, dont worry" He said as he yawned. He laid back and closed him eyes.

A while later, I figured he slept so I looked over at him. His hair was on his face, his eyes closed, he looked very peaceful.

Without thinking I went it push away some strands of hair from his face, but his hand grabbed my hand.

I Flinched as he opened his eyes to look at me.

Before I knew it I zoned out everything around me completely. I had a flashback to when I was 10.

"Are you okay" Benimaru's voice snapped me out of my trance. I looked at his hand which was holding my wrist and he quickly let go.

"I'm sorry, I didnt-" he started but I cut him off.

"Its fine, it's okay I just- I have to go" I cut him off as i got up and quickly left with my wrist in my other hand.

How is it so far?

next chapter will be out tomorrow

Benimaru shinmon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now