Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

"damn it"i thought as I internally beat myself up for what happened a while ago.

But a knock interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Come in" I said as I looked towards the door. It slowly opened and in came Shinra.

"Hey, Konro wants me to let you know dinner is ready" He said with a grin, again.

"I'll be right there, thank you" I said nicely as I watched him leave.

I sighed really loudly closed the book I was holding and started to make my way to the Kitchen.

"Hi y/n" Konro said with a warm smile.

"Why is everyone so nice, they barely know me." I thought confused as I smiled back then grabbed a plate and served myself small portions.

"Do you mind if I take this up to my room?" I asked turning to face Konro.

"Not at all" he answered. I walked back to my room and sat down on my futon with my food.

"smells nice" I whispered to myself as the aroma rising from the food hit my face.

"hmm what do I do now...I better contact The e-" my train of thoughts got interrupted once more by a knock.

"Come in" i said with an irritated tone.

The door opened and in came Arthur.

"just when I thought I'd get some peace and quiet..." I thought as he entered and sat infront of me beside the huge window.

"Hi" He said

"Hey..." I replied confused as I stopped eating and placed my plate on my lap.

"Why are you eating alone" He asked in a concerned tone

"Oh I just wanted some peace and quiet so I can think" I replied as I stared at his hair.

"what happened to your hair" I asked slightly interested, his hair was in braids.

"Oh This, Hina and Hika wouldnt stop bothering me until I let them make my hair, does it look weird?" He asked

"No no not at all, it's pretty cool. you look nice" I said as I stifled a laugh.

"Anyways I came here because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go-" He was interrupted by a huge booming noise and screaming.

We stood up alarmed, gave each other a nod and ran outside. he went left I went right.

Running outside I saw fire in the distance and screaming filled the air.

"what's going on?" Shinra asked in panic as he stopped beside me

"I...have no idea" I replied as I looked around trying to piece two and two together.

Arthur arrived not too long after, both he and Shinra ran off to help people.

"Y/n" I heard someone call me from the side.

I turned but it was too dark in that alley.

"Who is it" I asked as I put my guard up.

"Hahaha Calm down y/n it's me" The voice answered back as that person walked into the light.

I squinted my eyes still not letting my guard down, until they started to remove their hood which covered 90%  of their face.

"OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I exclaimed as I ran up to them and hugged them.

"Hahaha i missed you too y/n" They said as they hugged me back.

"Anyways why are you here" They asked as we let each other go.

"well it's a long story, I was celebrating my birthday and ended up getting hurt thus now I live with company 7, temporarily. I'm still planning how I should g-" I stopped as I got interrupted by that person.

"Shhh, not here. Come with me let's have a chat somewhere quieter" They said with a smile, as they turned and walked back into the dark alley.

I smiled and skipped along behind them.

*A while after they put the internals to sleep and fixed everything*

Benimaru's POV

"welll that was exhausting, oi Shinra get me some water" I said as I sat down on the cushion next to Arthur and Konro.

Shinra then returned with my water and sat down. I drank my glass of water as we started to discuss what just went down. But something or...someone seems missing.

"Wait, where is y/n" Arthur voiced out my thoughts.

"I havent seen her ever since it started" Shinra said sounding worried.

"Where was she last seen Shinra" Konro asked as he got up and Shinra Arthur and I followed in suit.

We walked outside with Shinra to the place he claims to have last seen her.

"Here, she was here when it started."He said as he pointed to the place she stood before.

"Could she have been...kidnapped?" Arthur asked with a concerned tone.

"Perhaps....but why would the white clad take her" I asked getting suspicious as well as confused

"Now now maybe we should wait for a while? dont assume too much. 30 minutes, wait for 30 minutes. if she isnt back by then we can assume the worst." Konro stated in a firm tone.

We sighed and walked back inside the house, but we were hit with the aroma of something like....a cake?

We looked at each other perplexed and walked towards the kitchen. There we found Her, Y/n.

"What are you doing here" Arthur asked.

" you mean?" She asked clearly confused as she turned to face us.

"Nothing, just finishing making whatever that is and come sit with us in the living room" Konro said with a smile as he pushed us out of the kitchen.

We all sat down in silence, no one knew what to say.

"Well that's suspicious" I started as I sighed again.

"That's weird" Shinra said as he held his chin in deep thought.

"why did we not know she was here" He mumbled

"Where was she the whole time" He asked himself.

"atleast she's safe" Konro said as he cleared his throat.

"but that is suspicious, how did we not know she was here. where did she go off to during the attack" My train of thoughts were stopped when the door slid open and in came y/n.

She was carrying plates and a...cake. she walked to us and placed the things in the middle as she smiled at us.

"have some cake guys" she said looking at us with a smile.

"ah thank you" They said one by one as they grabbed a plate and took a slice.

"Arent you gonna eat beni?" Konro asked as everyone stared at me.

"Uh no I'm good thanks" I replied in a cold tone. Then everyone continued eating and I just observed.

"She's has a pretty smile, wait no what? Focus, She is suspicious" I internally hit myself for this thought.

"So y/n....where were you during the attack" Shinra asked as he put his now empty plate on the floor.

"Oh i was just....looking for people in trouble" She said slowly as she fidgeted with her hands.

"is she...lying" I thought as I raised an eyebrow.

"So tell us y/n which part of the town did you go to" I asked coldly.

"I uhhhhh.....I forgot?" She answered clearly panicking. Something is wrong.
Next chapter will be out either in a few hours or tomorrow.

Benimaru shinmon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now