Chapter 8

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TW in this chapter
Y/n's POV

'i wonder what he's doing right now...' i asked myself as i gazed at the clouds. I was currently at a field, it was pretty quiet as i was the only one there.

'finally some peace and quiet, i-' But My joy was cut short.

"Knew i'd find you here"

Opening my eyes i looked around to find Yuki standing behind me with a big smile on her face. She sat down next to me fixing her skirt.

"What's up?" i asked her

"You've been really quiet the past few days" She said

"You keep to yourself more than before now" She said as she turned to face me with concern evident in her tone

"I'm fine" i said looking as i played with a flower i plucked

"Come on ive known you for a while, something is bothering you" She said wrapping her arm around mine

"Look if it's that guy From Yakusaka, go see him, tonight" She said in a whisper making me turn to look at her in shock. Even suggesting that was crazy, i looked around incase anyone was around but thankfully it was just us.

"I'll cover for you" She added followed by a mischievous wink.

"What are you-" She placed a finger on my lips preventing me from speaking

"Just do it Y/n, but be back before 5am" She said. I silently considered it before going her a hug

"Alright" i said smiling to myself.

We spent the next few hours talking about random things as we joked. She helped take my mind off of things which i felt great full for.

— Later that night —

"Alright Y/n, you can do this" I mumbled to myself as i stood outside the Bustling town. I cleared my throat and started walking through the crowd trying to blend in, i had to change my appearance.

Nervous and jumpy i made my way to the very familiar mansion. The lights were off inside so i assumed they were asleep but just to be safe i decided to walk around the house first to confirm.

I stopped right outside.   room and managed to make out a sleeping figure on the futon. I then made my way to Benimaru's room, he was awake. Seated with a candle light on the table next to him he was reading or writing something.

'let's do this Y/n' i said to myself a si lifted up my hand to knock on the window but stopped.

'wait what am i even going to say 'sorry for leaving please understand? you're crazy' i mentally beat myself up and pulled my hand away as i backed away from the window.

I sat down outside his window as i pondered on what i would say. When i finally got my words straight i stood up and peered into the window to find him asleep on the table.

I took this chance to sneak into the house which was fairly easy cause for some reason the doors weren't locked. But i still had to be extra careful incase someone heard me or saw me. I tiptoed to his room where i found him sleeping  on the table the candle still lit next to him.

Crouching next to him i smiled as i stared at him sleeping, i don't remember how long i stared at him but it was long enough for me to lose memory of the situation as my hand automatically moved to push back a few strands of his hair that had fall down to his face.

'it's almost time' i said to myself as i glanced up at the clock, it was 4:25am meaning i had to leave, fast.

A piece of paper and pen caught my attention. It seemed like he was writing something, grabbing the pen and paper i scribbled down what it is i wanted to say, an explanation of Whatever i could fit in the paper i did.

'if she finds out about this...' i inwardly sighed as i continued writing. The risk of this note getting out was big but at the moment i didn't care for some reason.

'Dear Beni,

First of all i want to apologise for everything, i wish i could've explained this in a better and proper way, in person. But that would be too dangerous. I know i don't really deserve your forgiveness but i hope you understand, i must do this.

Please, burn this after you read it, I promise to explain everything soon in person.


I looked at him one last time before i blew out the candle and placed the paper under it. I stood up and picked up a blanket putting it over him before i left feeling torn.

On the way 'home' i thought about everything and if it was worth it. The more time i spent with the pillars and everyone else the more i realised i didn't want to be involved with those people anymore. But at the same time i couldn't just leave, after all she did 'save' me from my parents.

       ______ ♥️♠️Flashback♦️♣️______
Tw: Abuse
"You little shit" My mom as she slapped me across the face. I held my stinging cheek as tears swelled up in my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Mom i-" i went to speak but she cut me off

"Don't call me that" She snapped. I glanced up at her, her eyes were cold and held immense hatred as she glared at me as her cold grey eyes bore into mine making me look down at my feet.

"Now now honey" My dad said as he walked in with a liquor bottle in one hand. He made his way over to us chugging the drink before he stared down at me a smirk forming on his face

"What are you staring at" He snapped anger coating his words as he broke the bottle on the
table making me scream in fear as i crouched down my hands covering my head as i cried hysterically

"Oh God" My mom said as she cursed under her breath.

"Go to your room, i can't deal with this right now" She said, I glanced up at her trying to keep my movements as little as possible, she wore a frown on her face as she crossed her arms and turned to leave.

"No dinner tonight either, maybe that'll teach you a lesson" My dad said before following her leaving me surrounded by glass shards. I stood up and made my way out of the room grimacing at each step i took as the glasses cut my feet. I made my way up to my 'bedroom' which was the attic and curled down at the corner letting my tears flow freely as i clutched my chest. The pain in my chest was greater than the pain from the cuts, it was almost suffocating.

This went on till my 15th birthday, that's when i decided i had enough. Blocking the attic door with some boxes i pulled out a sharpener and placed it infront of me.

'what are you waiting for?' A voice inside my head asked

'Do it Y/n it's not that hard' It said followed by a little almost unnoticeable chuckle

'They don't care about you, no one does. They'd be better off without you anyways' it said with a giggle echoing inside my mind.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears as i curled up into a ball the voice growing louder and louder but suddenly vanishing as i felt a warm hand land on the top of my head. Slowly i looked up to see a woman, her face hidden, she had long black hair and wore white clothes.

She proposed a deal that seemed too good to be true, it seemed like the best option....the only option i had at that time. Ever since then my life changed but not for the better.

_____♥️♣️End of Chapter 7♦️♠️____

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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