Sea Air

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This chapter contains smut!

The next day, you both slept in late, waking just before lunch. After showering and getting ready, you left the hotel room hand in hand to go find somewhere to have food. You soon found a small cafe a few streets away with a lovely view of the beach. You sat outside, chatting about the area and all the things you'd like to do while you were here. Anyone listening in would have thought you were a completely normal couple, excited to be on holiday. And to be honest, thats how it felt. You did your best to forget about what, or more who, you were running from.

"Are we allowed to write to everyone?" you asked Ron. You had finished lunch and were walking along the beach.

He nodded, "but not often. And we have to use different owls, just to make it harder to track."

You felt disappointed, you wanted to let everyone know you were fine, and to make sure they were okay, but you doubted you'd find an owl to use here.

After a while, you let go of Rons hand, and walked towards the water. You hadnt been near the ocean since you were a little girl. Standing facing the waves, you closed your eyes and breathed in the sea air. You focused on the sound of the waves gently rolling in. A small breeze blew a few strands of air across your face. You felt a hand brush them softly away. Opening your eyes, you smiled to see Ron standing directly in front of you.

"The sea is that way, Ronald" you smiled, pointing behind him.

He leaned in and kissed you softly, "this view is miles better" he whispered, wrapping his arms round you and pulling you close. You buried your head into his chest to hide the redness that spread across your face. No one had ever been this nice to you before. After a few minutes, you parted from him and you both began walking again. Ron kept an arm placed firmly on your back as you walked.

Every so often, the breeze would lift your dress up slightly, but Ron was always quick to flatten it back down for you. You were starting to regret your choice of a short summer dress.

"y/n" Ron spoke, his voice raspy. You looked up at him, immediately recognizing the look on his face. "I think I need to get you back to the room, quickly."

His hand ran down to your ass, squeezing it tightly. You giggled, and you both quickened your pace, heading in the direction of your hotel.

10 minutes later, you burst through the door. Ron kissed you passionately and pushed you against the dresser, his hands running up your dress. He quickly removed your underwear. Breaking the kiss, he turned you round and bent you over slightly. You propped yourself up with your forearms, and listened to him fumble with his trousers. Before you knew it, he was rubbing his already hard dick against you, causing you to gasp.

"Mmm, already wet for me?" he whispered. "Good girl" he slowly pushed himself into you. You both let out a soft moan.

The bathroom door closed, causing you both to jump. Ron quickly pulled his trousers up and turned round, immediately putting a protective arm round you.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" you felt chills run down your spine. You knew that voice. You slowly stood up straight and turned round, looking over Rons shoulder. Mara.

"He's not here." Ron's voice was firm.

"Well I'd hope not!" her voice was shrill. "But I figure he'll come eventually," she held up an envelope "he'll get worried when you dont reply to his letter. And how will he feel, realizing he lead me straight to his best friends?" she walked casually round the bed towards you, swinging her wand as she moved. "He'll be utterly destroyed, knowing that because of him, you are both dead."

She raised her wand, but this time, you were ready. You pulled Rons wand out of his back pocket, and pushed him to the side.

"STUPEFY!" you screamed, bringing Rons wand down. The spell hit her with such force, she flew across the room, hitting the wall at the other side. Rons wand burnt your hand. You were surprised it had even worked.

You stood panting, trying to catch your breath. Ron rushed towards you, grabbing his wand from you and pointing it at her motionless body.

"y/n" he said, not taking his eyes off Mara. "That was bloody brilliant"

You let out a small laugh, "what now?"

"I'll take her to the Ministry. Let them deal with her. Either that, or we kill her ourselves" he looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You shook your head, you couldnt. Even though she was pure evil, and even after everything she had done, you couldnt. Ron nodded. "you stay here. Write to Harry and let him know whats happened" he walked towards the window, opened it slightly and whistled. Suddenly a small brown owl appeared, swooping down from the roof. "Come here" he reached for you with his free hand.

You walked over, and he pulled you into a warm embrace, kissing your head.

"Its ok, its over now." he whispered. "Stay here, dont open the door for anyone, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Ron, please be careful" you begged, looking back down at Mara. He nodded, kissing you once more before walking over to her. He grabbed her arm, and they both disappeared. 

You wouldn't believe how hard it was to not make a "Ron's wand" joke. Not the time or the place though ;)

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