Return of the Giant

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You spent the next few days at Ron's side, willing him to wake up. There had been a great improvement in his injuries, some of his wounds were almost healed, but there was still no sign of him waking up.

"Does it usually take this long?" Harry asked on the 3rd night. The fighting was over, but most of the Aurors had stayed behind. You had been helping them tend to their wounded.

You nodded, "it can. The body is an amazing thing, he wont wake up until he's ready." You looked down at him, he looked so peaceful. You had managed to clean him up, and got most of the blood out of his hair, he looked like your Ron again.

"Molly's been asking questions." Harry sighed. He had been visiting The Burrow, bringing back food and supplies.

"I would be too if I were her" you answered. Harry shuffled nervously. He had been on edge around you since the two of you got into an argument the day before.

He had been discussing the Death Eaters with some of the others, bragging about how many he had managed to defeat and you lost it. This was all his fault, and you were sick of pretending otherwise. Maybe if he had been paying more attention to Ron, he wouldn't have gotten so badly hurt. Maybe if he wasnt so consumed with being the hero, he would have noticed that Ron was in trouble.

"Typical Harry Potter, too busy shining his own ego to give a fuck about anyone else!" you had screamed. This had hurt him. You knew straight away that what you had said was wrong. But you wouldnt take it back, you were too proud.

He had avoided you since, but he was clearly growing more concerned for his friend. His best friend, you thought. It was then you realised how stupid you had been. Ron and Harry had been best friends since the first year of Hogwarts, he'd never do anything to intentionally hurt him. They had each others backs. This wasnt Harrys fault.

"Harry..." you began, but were interrupted by a loud bang at the door. You all jumped, grabbing you wands. You protectively leaned over Ron, and stared across the room. One of the other Aurors, Angus (who had been the one who yelled at you when you first arrived), crept over and stood at the door.

"Whose there?!" he called.

"Open the door, you bunch of nits!" a voice from boomed from the other side. You looked curiously round the room, your eyes landing on Harry who had broken into a smile.

Angus opened the door quickly, laughing.

Your eyes widened when you caught sight of the figure at the other side. He stepped into the cottage, ducking down as he passed under the door frame.

"Hagrid!" Harry called.

"'arry! How are ya? I'm sorry it's taken so long to get here!"

"Its ok! Come in, make yourself at home" Harry said, as everyone moved off the old couch to let Hagrid sit down. The couch almost broke under his weight, but he didnt seem to notice. He was looking round the room exchanging pleasantries with everyone. Soon his eyes fell on you and Ron. "Ah Ron, is he alright?" he asked no one in particular.

"He will be" Harry answered, "thanks to y/n. Hagrid, do you remember...?"

"Hufflepuff" Hagrid nodded, answering the question Harry had been asking. "Of course, good to see yer"

"You too, Hagrid." you smiled, unsure what else to say.

The group broke into small conversations, you settled back down beside Ron.

"Why dont you go home for a bit?" Harry said quietly as he sat next to you. "You haven't slept in days." He was right, you had stayed awake, your eyes glued to Ron.

"I'm okay...honestly" you smiled, "I'll go home once he's awake. I need to be here...incase..." you trailed off. You didnt need to be there for any reason other than the fact that you were worried. You had done all you could for Ron, but you couldnt leave him. Harry nodded, he didnt press you anymore.

"Listen..." he started.

You stopped him, "I'm sorry. I shouldnt have said what I said. I know you love Ron. I was just..."

"Its ok, I understand. We are all on edge" He looked at Ron, you could have sworn you saw a tear roll down his cheek. You put a hand on his arm.

"He'll be ok, Harry. He'll wake when he's ready." you hoped your words seemed more convincing to him than they sounded to you.

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