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You sat in the garden under a big oak tree, staring at your wand in your hand. The day had arrived too quickly. You had sat up the whole night with Ron, enjoying each others company. Who knows what would happen, and you both wanted to make the most of your time together. He had eventually fallen asleep, but you were too switched on. You had no idea what to expect tonight. There was a good chance that you'd walk in and boom. One spell and you would be a goner.

And thats what stopped you from sleeping. You had no idea what to do. Everyone else had battled before, they knew how to defend themselves. The most impressive thing you've done lately was tidy up a bedroom. You had been racking your brain trying to remember anything you learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course you'd sat next to Cedric Diggory in that class, so there was more important things to pay attention to.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Fred and George.

"Wheres Ronald?" George asked

"Did you finally have enough, and you know..." Fred pretended to stab George.

"No," you laughed "he's asleep. Listen...could I ask you guys something?" They sat at either side of you. "Could you guys show me some...spells? I'm kinda having a hard time remembering any that might be of any use" you blushed.

"Well, thats reassuring, isnt Georgie?" Fred laughed.

"Very Fred, remind me not to hide behind her." George replied. You felt like an idiot. You sighed, and got up to leave. "Aw now, come on. We are kidding. Of course we'll help you" George grabbed your hand. "Lets start with the basics."

The next few hours were spent with the twins. They taught you the expelliarmus and stupefy spells first, making sure you could use them confidently. Then they taught you pertrificus totalus. You picked everything up fairly quick, remembering when you were first taught them at school.

"If you use them correctly, and think on your feet, those basic spells will help you." George informed you, as you all sat down for a break. "but we'll be right beside you the whole time"

"You should talk to Harry, he knows alot more about this than us, and hes a good teacher" Fred added. You sighed, you still hadnt spoken to Harry since he had yelled at you the day before.

"Did I hear my name?"

The three of your turned round to see Harry walking down the garden towards you.

"Molly sent me to get you all, she's made lunch." he smiled.

"Ah, just the man. We were just teaching y/n a few spells. You know, to try and stop her from getting herself killed. But we said you'd be a better teacher." George told him as you all got up.

"Hmm" Harry looked at you for a minute, "I guess it would be a good idea, I cant image Ron would be too impressed with me if anything happened to her. Not that it would be my fault." he huffed. "After lunch?"

You nodded. You really didnt want to spend any time with him after yesterday, but you could really use his help. You all walked inside, the smell of Mollys cooking swam round your heart.

"There you are!" a voice growled into your ear. Ron approached you, pulling you close and kissing your head. You smiled into his chest, almost automatically forgetting your agreement with Harry.

The meal was soon over, Harry got up from the table and looked over at you. "Come on then" he nodded towards the door. Ron shot a confused look between the two of you.

"Aw, didnt you hear, Ron? y/n got bored waiting for you to wake up, so she's ran off with Harry." Fred laughed. Harry hit the back of his head as he walked behind him.

"I'm going to help her with a few spells" Harry informed him. Ron nodded slightly.

"I'll come too." He got up and followed you both.

The twins burst out laughing, "and what are you going to be able to teach her?"

Ron flicked his wand and their chairs shot out from under them, causing them both to slam onto the floor. Everyone in the room laughed as the three of you walked outside.

Harry did his best to teach you the patronus charm, but you could see he was getting frustrated.

"You're not thinking happy enough thoughts!" He insisted after another failed attempt. You really were trying, but it was a struggle. Your mind kept wandering to the battle you faced.

"I thought he was supposed to be a good teacher" you sighed as Ron put his arm round you. He smiled, and gave you a small squeeze

"You'll get it, it took the rest of us weeks." he told you. After a few more tries, you gave up. It had been an exhausting day already, and the worst was yet to come. You excused yourself and went up to Rons room to lay down for a while.

You couldnt sleep. There was too much on your mind. You kept thinking back to the night Harry brought you to Ron. The things you had seen that night terrified you, now you were voluntarily going back. You thought of the bodies on the ground. What if that was you this time? Or Ron. Or any of the other members you had grown so fond of over the last few days.

You finally drifted off into a sleep, only for your dreams to be filled with similar nightmares.

You woke up, startled. You body covered in sweat from the horrible dreams you'd had. It took you a minute to recognize your surroundings. Then you heard the screaming.

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