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Another sleepless night had passed, the worry growing with every passing hour. You started to doubt yourself, was there more that you could be doing? You had sat awake the whole night trying to think of any spells or potions you might have missed. Harry had just appeared back with some food for the day.

"Mrs. Weasley is going to grab my leg and come with me if she doesnt hear from Ron soon" he smiled as he passed you some water.

"Thank you" you took it from him, shaking your head when he offered you food. You hadnt eaten much since you arrived. Your stomach couldnt deal with it. "Harry, I've been thinking, I think you should go talk to Hermione."

"Why?" he asked. He looked surprised at the idea.

"Well, I'm sure I've done everything I can...but...what if theres something else?" you explained, "if anyone knows the miracle cure, if there is one, it'll be her."

Harry was silent for a moment, looking closely at you. "Maybe," he nodded. "Lets give him today, shall we? If we dont see any change, I'll go see her."

"Thank you."

You settled back down beside Ron, but you could see Harry studying you from the corner of your eye. You did your best to ignore him, focusing all your attention on Ron.

A few more hours passed, the only time you looked up was when Hagrid left. He had came at Dumbledores orders to check on everyone, and was needed back at Hogwarts. Before he left, he came over and gave you a hug, almost suffocating you in the process.

"Yer great to be lookin' after Ron, e's a lucky lad." He had told you, before turning and leaving. Harry had came back over to join you.

"Hagrid's right," he muttered "I don't think you need to worry, Hermione wont be able to tell you anything you dont already know. Please dont doubt yourself"

His words surprised you, but you knew deep down that he was right. You got up to stretch your legs and get some fresh air.

Angus was outside smoking, he greeted you with a nod. You'd been unsure of him at first, but had grown fond of him over the last few days. He was a man of very little words, but he always checked in with you, offering you food and cigarettes. You'd never smoked, but the temptation had been there a few times.

"Can I ask you something, Angus?" you asked, sitting on the ground near him.

"Call me Gus, y/n. Angus was my deadbeat dad."

"Sorry, Gus." you smiled. "Does Dumbledore often send Hagrid to check on you guys?"

He shook his head, "not often. Only when something big is happening."

"Whats happening?" you asked, too quickly.

"Buggered if I know," he shrugged. "Its usually only Potter and your boyfriend who are in the know."

Your boyfriend. That had been the first time someone had referred to Ron in that way. It caught you off guard, sending butterflies through your stomach for the first time in days. You fought a smile. "We dont all usually hang about like this either," he continued "but we all like Ronnie, he's a good lad. We want to make sure he's ok."

You nodded, feeling the tears building up again. Please wake up soon, Ron. You remembered back to Christmas time, thinking about all the hushed conversations Ron had had with his dad. You couldnt help but wonder if Ron knew back then that something was going to happen.

You walked back inside with Angus, your eyes automatically falling on Ron, like they did everytime you had left him. Nothing had changed. Sighing, you sat back down on the floor beside him and checked his bandages again. You had gotten into the habit of doing this every few hours, it made no difference but it just made you feel like you were doing something. After you were finished, you placed your hand in Ron's and turned to face the others in the room, trying to participate in their conversations. They had all been very welcoming of you, especially since you had helped alot of them with their own injuries. Harry and Angus were sat at a nearby table, chatting fondly about Mrs. Weasleys cooking.

"Bloody hell, I'm starving. Any chance you tossers have left any for me?"

You froze. Everyone did. Slowly, you turned back round, feeling your hand being squeezed softly.

"Ron!!" Harry's voice broke the silence.

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