CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes, I reached another forest that was quite normal. Nothing special, green leaves, and seeping sunlight from the canopy. I have to mention that the trees were very dense, so I accidentally hit them once or twice, which, of course, drew the short straw, and fell out by the impact of my Praetor Suit.

Doom Slayer: 'Tch... Of course, mother nature must also stand in my way.' - I murmured this to myself while I was running in the thick of trees, out of the shadows, I saw once again those crimson eyes thirsty for blood, just waiting for the right moment to strike. 'Just try it, and I rip your spines out of the locals." - meanwhile, I stared ahead with a deadly and terrifying look, and ran as the trees allowed me into the forest. 

As I thought this, they already wanted to throw themselves at me.

I just sighed, as the first one jumped towards me so I blew out his stomach with my hand, grabbed his spine and I pulled out with ease, nor did the imitator have the strength to scream in pain. I grabbed the lifeless body while my glove absorbed the argent energy, my other attacker that was coming from my back, and I slammed it so hard against the other that the tree that hit it fell out. That bastard was still conscious, but he couldn't escape. I smashed his head with my boots.

Doom Slayer: 'There were only two? Tch!... Whatever.' - as I was about to run again, a bear-like imitation came out of my back. I'm so pissed off that these motherfuckers are always trying to sneak up on my back. I've had enough, I want to rip him apart and smash his skull to pieces as many methods as possible.

The bear ran towards and already wanted to hit me with his paw, by the time I quickly grabbed and tore his whole arm off his body. The imitation was screaming in great agony, but it didn't bother me. I put his own hand in his head, his claws shattered the mask on his head and penetrated his skull. The imitation was on the ground, but still, it was not dead. He was trying to crawl away in pain.

Doom Slayer: 'It seems The Gods like me today. You're not getting away, Imitation whoreson.' - I thought to myself with a big grin on my face, when I kicked his arm even deeper into his body. I began to rip off his limbs from his body and stabbed him mercilessly into his body. As soon as I finished decorating it, it turned to dust.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "You know, this is not a good time to have fun, right?" - with his monotonous and boring voice, Dr. Canned Asshole killed the mood as usual.

Doom Slayer: 'He's got to have a say in it all the time." - I thought to myself while grumbling, but I continued on my way to where he had marked to me. As I went along, the Forest began to thin out, and before I realized it, I was out of that dense forest, and so, once again, I started running with all my might. 

Doom Slayer: 'There's only 90 (144) left. I'm not in a good shape today, at other times I'm sure I have traveled twice as fast. I'm sure my Praetor Suit slows me down. Without Argent it doesn't function well. I better go and fill it up with those two-legged argent bins.' - and with these thoughts, I began to take this seriously and pick up a faster pace.

After the forest, there was a smaller meadow again, but in the distance, you could see a large rocky hill, I thought if it was already on the way, at least I could look around there. As I looked up at the sky, I saw that where Samuel had marked the place, was overcast, but only there. Who knows possible these monsters work it too? As I ran towards the hill, I saw a Giant Eagle-like Bird as black as the night, it looked exactly like an imitation.

Doom Slayer: 'So these bastards are even in the Then I'll have enough trouble killing these." - I've been thinking about it since I was at the bottom of the hill. I looked up at the sky again, but I couldn't see it anymore. 

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