CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 1

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NARRATOR: As the shadows of the night disappeared due to the rising sun, so was The Doom Slayer ready to move and finally get out of this forest, where the portal suddenly threw it out. He would have stayed there for a while to admire the sight and the silence he had missed, but Hayden was very concerned about the amount of argent Energy he had detected in the South-East. He thought it might be a nest of these creatures there, or a greater danger... a bigger and much stronger monster, than these weaklings, who couldn't even scratch Doom Slayer's Praetor Suit.


Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Are you finally ready to head South-East? I have already marked the location on your Hub, and don't forget what I told you, where we're going, you can't just barge in and get what's coming. Most likely, it's a nest full of "Imitations". We can't plan so much on our luck, especially since you don't have a weapon that wouldn't lead to hand-to-hand combat." - he said that while I was wondering how much bullshit this piece of junk was talking about.

Doom Slayer: "You know Hayden, I never planned for my luck, All I know is Rip and Tear until it is done, even without your "long-range weapons"... You act like you don't know that." - I somehow managed to say that on my terribly hoarse voice.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Then you're just terribly reckless, and that's what I like, Slayer. Even if I sometimes try to approach things carefully. If you know what I mean..." - he said this like I knew exactly what I was doing. I can't remember a lot of things except for the Mars situation and those energy containers that I should have carefully removed from their place. I didn't care much about these, because It had the fruits of my efforts: to save the human race from the claws of those bastards. He continued:

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Anyway, do I get any chance to hear your voice again... or this was just a one-time thing like yesterday?"

Doom Slayer: "No, only if I really need to. By the way, you have already named those creatures... "Imitations", really? " - I said this with a smile on my face, but still hoarse.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Aren't they just cheap imitations of the demons in hell? But you should hurry... I don't think I'm the only one who's interested in what's causing all that Argent Energy discharge."

So I turned around and started heading towards the destination where Dr. Samuel Hayden marked to me.

Doom Slayer: 'Yeah he is right, these monsters are nothing more than cheap knockoffs.' - I was thinking about it as I slowly began walking. The destination was almost 100 miles (160km) away. I was like, " "What the fuck? I really had nothing to speed up the process a little." 

 I was thinking about it while I was trying to somehow reactivate my dash ability, which, of course, didn't work. 

Doom Slayer: 'Then I just have to run like my life depends on it, I guess.' - as this thought ran through my mind, I began to do so. 'I must hurry. It's possible that the invasion of these creatures started recently, too, so I really don't have any time to waste. I'm not gonna let this place end up the same way as Earth, because of those demon imitations.'

All of a sudden, these thoughts were going through my head. I didn't want any other living being, whether it is a human or animal, to experience the terror that humans on Earth had to endure.

NARRATOR: As he ran out of the red forest a vast great clearing lay before him. The wind gently caressed the children of mother nature only a few orphaned trees and rocks covered the bare view. The morning sun had just dried the dew drops from the stems of the grass. He didn't even care much about it. He just kept running.

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