Chapter 9: Achievements!

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Akashi: Come on! Let's go!

She grabbs me by the arm and starts pulling me.

On the way to the repair bay, I saw Laffey sitting on the ground against the wall.

Aria: Laffey, is everything ok?

Laffey: Don't... I-it's horrible!

"Oh, crap! Is Akashi torturing them? Oh, no!"

Akashi: Don't worry about her... everything is going to be fine!

"I don't trust her anymore..."

We were now in her repair bay.

Akashi: Sit down!

"Well, I guess I can see if it's actually that bad..."

Aria: *Sits down*

Akashi: *Presses a button*

The Stabby Wires came out and started scanning my body. Then when they scanned a wound...


Aria's HP: 65,000


Aria's HP: 60,000

"Why is my HP going down? Isn't this supposed to be repairing me?"

*The wires come out of the wounds*

Akashi: Well, it's done-

*Blood starts pouring out of Aria's wounds*

Akashi: None of the other girls have ever started bleeding...

Aria's HP: 50,000

Akashi: Are you alright?!

Aria's HP: 40,000

Aria: Uh, no!

"Am I going to die because a repair ship is trying to help me?"

Akashi: I'm sorry! No one had started bleeding because of this before! I thought it was perfectly safe!

I was now immoble, meaning that I couldn't move because both my legs were bleeding like hell.

Aria's HP: 30,000

Akashi: I'm sure I can fix this!

Aria's HP: 20,000

*Aria sets on fire*

Akashi: N-no! Don't die!

Aria: Wow, thanks... repairship!

Aria's HP: 10,000

*Low HP warning*

My vision's edges turned red again before my HP hitting 0 and everything fading into black with "Defeat". Then everything just faded back to normal and I found myself back at the docks where I started.

Akashi P.O.V

I could now only see blue particles raising up in the air and slowly fading away in front of me.

*Door opens*

Hammann: Is she doing ok- *Sees the situation* What happened? *Comes closer*

Akashi: When the wires entered her wounds, she started bleeding and died.

Hammann: ... I told you to upgrade that shit!!

Akashi: I don't have enough materials!

Hammann: Then, go find some!

Akashi: I can't leave this place or they'll sink me! I don't have any guns you know! Why don't you just send a team to get me those mats (mats = materials)?

Azur Lane x World of Warships: The Sirens!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora