[2] Niall Horan, Harry Styles, and An Almost-Kiss

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(A/N)- Just thought I'd share one of my favourite Mean Girls references ever on the side. <3 Poor Niall..

*Harry's POV*

"Nando's." I simply reply.

When she doesn't say anything, I start panicking a little. Is that too casual? Is it too much? Does she not like Nando's? Hahahahahahaha! Righttt. Like she doens't like Nando's! She'd be nuts! But what if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks because I'm famous she couldn't date me?

Ah, hell Harry! Stop with the 'what if's'! You sound like a girl.. Man up! Who wouldn't want to date you??

I was brought back to reality by Mel. She was waving her arms in front of my face looking rather worried. Maybe I should take that as a good sign...

*Melissa's POV*

"Haaarrrrryyyy.." I tried to snap him out of it. "Haaarrrrryyy! . . . . . . . Haarrrrryyy!!!" Nothing. What is this boy thinking about so deeply?? "HAZZA!" I used his world-wide-known nickname, hoping it would work. He started to come out of it, whatever 'it' was. I was starting to get worried..

I was almost sad that he was coming back to reality. He looked so cute with that thinking face.. Plus I had a good excuse to stare at him, and he wouldn't even know. I could just stare at his perfectly messy curls. Or his gorgeous eyes. Or even his perfectly toned stomach which I could see the outline for, thanks to his tight shirt. He should always wear tight shirts. He would be doing the world a favour. Letting all of us just marvel at god's masterpiece of a boy. Because of this, I took these last few seconds and I thanked god in my head for blessing us with such a sexy beast. Oh my gosh, did I just refer to him as a sexy beast? 'Hell yeah!' the fangirl part of my brain was screaming, but the reasonable side still thought it was slightly true. Oh well, might as well go with it.

"Huh? What...Did you say something?" He asks genuinely confused. I sighed. Thank god he's okay. And that he didn't hear what was going on in my head.. If that ever got out, I shall go hide in a dark alley, in a dumpster, for the rest of my life, among the hobos.

"You just zoned out for a while there, I was starting to worry.." Oh gosh.. Did I say that out loud?! What if he thinks I like him now? No, no...I was just caring for a friend..He would surely see it that way. Wouldn't he? Too late now.

"You never did give an approval to my proposal.." He said slightly blushing. Was he blushing? No. Not possible. He's Harry Styles, he doesn't blush. I'm probably just imagining it.

"Oh, yeah. Nando's, sounds great!" I say with a grin. Which he gladly returns. "So, when are we going?"

"Anytime you want, Mel." He smiles. My heart flutters. Mel. It sounds so sexy coming from him. WOAH THERE! Where did THAT come from? Wow, I really need to calm down..

"Wait," I say.

He just murmurs 'Hm?'

"Won't you, like, get mauled by fans or something?"

He laughs a little. "It's called a disguise my dear." He says while smirking.

"Oh, uh, yeah.." I cough to get rid of my awkwardness. "What time is it now?"

"It's just about 7 p.m. Wanna go now?" He asks.

"That'd be great." I say with a reasuring rumble from my stomach. Nice timing there buddie.

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