[3] Feelings, Harry Styles, and a Lunch 'Date'

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*Melissa's POV*

I wake up the next morning with an intense tingling sensation on my cheek.

Did I lay on my cheek funny? Wait, that's where Harry had kissed me! Oh gosh. I've got it bad...

Slowly waking up, I thought about if I had anything to do today. . . . Well...My job at Starbucks doesn't start for another week or so...And I have nothing else planned. No uni. I've decided that there's nothing that I really aspire to do. I may change my mind in a year or so, but for now, just going to enjoy the beauty of London.

I wonder if I could hang with Harry... No, don't ask. He's a pop sensation. He probably has much better things to do than hang out with a crazy fan who has a major crush on him. Like, go to signings, or recording studios, or anywhere else. Silly me.

I should really try to stop thinking about Harry. I'm not good enough for him, and plus I wouldn't, well shouldn't, date a celebrity. Too much drama.

Right? Too much thinking. Back to sleep it is.

*Harry's POV*

I got a text from Liam at an ungodly hour.

9 a.m.

I mean, COME ON! Harry Styles needs his beauty sleep! At least the text told me that I have a free day.

A few minutes later Louis also texted me saying he's going to spend the day out with Eleanor and told me to have fun, but not too much fun. Oh, Lou.

Hm, what to do, what to do.. Maybe something with Mel? Hopefully. She's gorgeous. But she's so out of my league, if that's even possible... But I really like her...And I can't get over the almost-kiss and how well she responded to it. I just wish I had to guts to actually go through with it.

Man, I'm whipped. And she's not even mine! I just can't stop thinking about her.

She's. . . .different.

I like it.


I finally decided to see what she was up to today, but I'll wait until a good time. Like lunch. Yeah, a lunch 'date'. That sounds good...

In the mean time, I might as well get ready... I jump out of bed and immediately regret it...Head rush.

After sitting back down on the bed for a few minutes, the pounding fades and I take this opportunity to go get in the shower.

After cleansing myself thoroughly, I walk into my wardrobe. Hm... What to wear... I guess I could just go with my usual black skinny jeans, white v-neck and navy blazer. Yeah, that'll work.

After my curly locks had dried, it was ten minutes before eleven. So I decided to waste time on Twitter! The perfect way to please some fans for a few hours before they go nuts saying stuff like, "WHERES HARRY?!?!! OMG. DID HE DIE?!?" No, I have a life though! You should get one sometime.

Some fans are just plain annoying. But without them I'd be nothing; well, nothing other than an incredibly sexy kid who just graduated. Yeah...My ego has definitely grown recently.

At exactly eleven a.m. I walked to her flat and rang the bell. I sure hope she isn't busy.

About fifteen seconds later, yeah-I counted, her door opens, revealing a very knackered looking Mel, still in her pajamas, and had a very attractive bed-head thing going on. Usually bed-head makes girls LESS attractive. Not in her case. She. Looked. Hot.

I couldn’t help but check her out. Her brown hair, usually slightly curled, stuck up in many directions. Her make-up was almost non-existent.

Her pajamas were Hello Kitty. Niceeee.

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