[6] -A Walk Down Memory Lane-

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[IMPORTANT: Song is 'Love The Way You Lie Part Two' By Rihanna ft. Eminem. YouTube video on the side.

The words in bold are the song lyrics. This is in Melissa's POV, by the way, it's just her memories replaying. Enjoy c: ]

On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright;

I was walking down the hall too fast, as the bell to first period was about to ring, I couldn't be late on the first day of my Freshman year. God only knows what my father would do to me if he found out. I sharply rounded a corner coming in contact with boy who had the face of a god. In the collision, I dropped all my books, as they now lay scattered in the middle of the hallway, while the tardy bell rang loudly.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. This can not be happening. I remembered the boy I had just run into, who has been staring at me all this time. "I. uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-- I'll just- get these and be on my way.." I couldn't find the right words to say with him just staring at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. I'm such a sucker for brown eyes.

I quickly try to maneuver around him to pick up the rest of my books but something stopped me. I looked down at my arm to see his hand on my elbow. I slowly raised my eyes up to meet his chocolate brown ones.

"Why in such a hurry, you're already late." He replied with a smirk. "I'm Tyler Coats, and you are?"

"Uh, um. . .I-I'm Melissa S-Simmons." God I'm such an idiot.

"Well, Melissa Simmons, I guarantee you'll be seeing more of me." He stated then walked off, leaving me wondering what he could possibly mean.

Then these things turned out so evil. Don't know why I'm still surprised.

"Ty-Tyler Wha're you doing?" I stuttered through my words as he grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed. I tried to scream but his hand shot up and covered my mouth before I could make a sound.

"I'm just giving you what you subconsciously want, babe." He said giving me a disgusting wink, his eyes full of lust and anger.

After a month of dating, I realized that he wasn't all that he was made out to be. He was a jerk, and addicted to sex. Without me knowing, he cheated on me at lease once a week. I finally found out on our one month anniversary. I tried to confront him, but he only got angry, and that's where we are now.

I cried out behind his hand desperately. I am a virgin. I am abstinent. I really don't want to throw all that away; not to mention, I've seen some nasty side effects of have sex at a young age, that definitely persuaded me not to do it...

That's besides the point though; he was about to rape me.

And I couldn't do a thing about it.

Even angels have their wicked schemes, but you take that to new extremes.

He slammed me into the wall a few times, disorienting me very effectively. I stumbled a little, trying to stand.

"Tisk tisk...You know the consequences of resisting, Melissa. Yet you do it anyway? I have come to believe that you like it." He says with an evil smile.

It's the day after he first raped me. This morning he came over to my house, as usual, to walk me to school. But instead he dragged me into an old deserted house in the middle of no where; so far out no one could hear me scream. He had already raped me 3 times today, and it was only 1 in the afternoon. I couldn't stop screaming from the pain. It was unbearable. I felt so helpless, even worse than what my father did. I would take a hundred beatings over this again.

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