Lust with complete stranger

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Have you ever wanted to break free from being “a good girl” and have an uninhibited fling with a sexy stranger? Just find a handsome hunk and let your desires go wild? It had always been a secret fantasy of mine that I never could admit to anyone. . .until the day I decided to make it come true.

It was hot and humid that summer evening when I pulled my car into the Sweets & Treats parking lot. I dashed up the steps. If I hurried, I would have just enough time to pick up something for dessert and get to Luanne’s barbecue party without being late.

A wave of cool air engulfed me as I yanked open the glass door. I paused for a second and inhaled. Strawberry, lemon, watermelon. . .the zesty aromas flooded over me as I gazed around the quaint baked goods shop. It was almost like stepping back in time.

The open oak beams told me that the bakery was at least a hundred years old, probably older. I’ve always loved antique buildings, and this place caught my eye. The high ceiling twinkled with multi-colored lights. Red, white, and blue balloons, flag paper cut-outs, and streamers decorated the display tables and high archways. My three-inch black heels echoed on the wide hardwood floors as I made my way to the rounded glass and oak counter.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and peered into the case filled with cupcakes, sugar cookies, pies, and muffins. Everything looked delicious. As I glanced around the country-style store, I realized that I was the only customer. Where was everyone? After checking my watch, I noticed the stenciled sign in the window. “Summer Hours: 9-6pm.” The store closed at six o’clock, and it was already six-fifteen.

Can I help you?” a male voice asked.

I turned around. The man leaning against the kitchen doorway took my breath away. He wore black jeans and a green and white striped polo shirt. His sky-blue eyes locked onto mine, and he looked me over as he ran a hand through his wavy honey-colored hair.

“Can I get you something, Miss?”

I flashed him my best smile. “I’m Diane. I’m sorry to barge in like this, but the front door was open, and I didn’t realize you were closed. If it’s a bother, I can go.”

“No. Not at all, Diane. My name’s Josh.” He grinned, showing off a set of dimples. “I’ve got some time. What would you like?” he asked with a wink.

I licked my lips and relaxed. The pleasing fragrances in the shop drained my need to hurry. I could be late, Luanne would understand. Besides, Josh was handsome and acting flirty, how could I leave now?

“I was driving past and I thought I’d stop in for a dessert. I never noticed this store before, but it’s interesting,” I replied.

“I opened up two months ago. This used to be an old ice cream parlor. I was a pastry chef in a restaurant, but I always wanted to own my own business. I can show you around, if you’re not in a rush,” he offered.

“That’d be great. I’ve got some time to kill.” All the time in the world, I wanted to add. Luanne’s party could wait. Every time Josh spoke, a tingling sensation ran up my spine. There was no doubt about it—Josh was hot, even hotter than last week’s weather when the temperature soared to ninety-five degrees.

I decided to give in to my body’s signals and see where this was leading. What harm could there be in flirting back, or even teasing a little? Josh was attractive, and I certainly wouldn’t mind snuggling up next to him after a day at the beach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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