Chapter 2 - Displacement

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Yona of the Dawn Anime: Episode 1

Word Count: 2,800+ words

After their riding, Hak, Yona, and Jang-mi once again split off from Soo-won and returned to the princess's room so she could sulk in relative privacy. Though, they were still joined by Min-soo and king Il.

It turned out that Soo-won had already had some marriage talks back at his mansion; when Yona learned this, she'd told him she'd been having some as well... with Hak. A bald-faced lie, but her oblivious cousin believed it and seemed happy about it.

"Unbelievable Soo-won..."Princess Yona exclaimed despairingly, throwing her head down on her arms that were folded over the small table in front of her."How could you believe a lie like that?!"

"You're the cruel one. And a nuisance."Hak remarked in annoyance from where he stood a few paces behind her, glaring at the wall.

Jang-mi gave Yona a sympathetic look and walked over to kneel in between the Princess and Min-soo, who'd been sitting beside her. The handmaiden lightly rubbed the redhead's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, letting out a sigh. Why did men have to be so dense? Soo-won had been utterly clueless regarding Yona's blatant lie, and Hak only seemed to know how to rub salt into the Princess's wound.

This is why I'm just the wing woman... being in love sounds like a pain.

Simultaneously, beside Jang-mi, Min-soo was nervously sweating and quickly moved over to make more space away from Yona's favorite handmaiden to avoid her possibly noticing — his face feeling as if it were burning. She'd been so close...! 

"Actually, getting married might come true for you."King Il cut in, walking up to the table Yona was sitting at.

This prompted Jang-mi and Min-soo to look up, followed swiftly by Hak and Yona — the latter giving her father a confused look. "Huh?"

"It's about time you start thinking about a fiancé."The King explained with a serious expression that was quite unusual for him.

"N-No, "Yona denied quietly at first, pursing her lips briefly before speaking much louder. "I want Soo-won to be—!"

"It can't be Soo-won!"King il adamantly refused with a strained expression Jang-mi had never seen him wear before. Even Hak and Min-soo let out audible gasps.

It wasn't only his majesty's expression that startled the Princess's handmaiden, but also the fact he rejected her desire. It was uncommon for the King to tell his beloved daughter 'no' for anything, and something about the look in his eye when he said Soo-won's name, in that particular moment, made Jang-mi feel... uncomfortable.

Yona was on her feet in moments with a shocked expression, Min-soo called her name, but she didn't seem to register it. "Father, you have no say who I fall in love with."Ready to make a stand, Yona placed her hand over her head. "I..."

However, Yona didn't even get the chance to continue since king Il cut her off yet again. "Yona."He stated firmly to get her attention again, it was not an outright command, but it felt and sounded like one. "I've given you everything you've wanted. Beautiful hairpins and earrings... a detached Palace, botanical gardens... everything but weapons, I've provided. But no matter how much you wish for it, I cannot give you Soo-won."

Holding firm to his denial, the king gazed straight into Yona's eyes. "You are the Princess of Kouka Kingdom. Your husband will become King of this country."Something about the way he stared at her... made Yona feel an immense weight fall upon her that she'd never known or felt before.

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