Her death(2)

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-Mad Hatter Melanie Martinez - Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time Panic! At The Disco

-Rabbit Hole AViVA  -Woke The Fuck Up Jon Bellion

-Oh My God Alec Benjamin - Water Fountain Alec Benjamin 

-Alphabet Boy Melanie Martinez   ( Some songs I listened to while writing this 😉 )

***********Death can mean many things"**********


*the action or fact of dying or being killed. The end of the life of a person or organism.

* The state of being dead


*Beep Beep Beep*

I jumped in shock as my alarm went off, screaming at me telling  me to get ready for work. 

I just stare at it for a second, my phone  lying by the burn marks, the question of whether I'm dead or not swarmed my head and infected all my other thoughts. I then decide just to go along and get ready. The whole time I prayed I could talk with Max and Alice one last time. Holding on to the last drop of hope that I had, the hope that I wasn't dead.

So far my "help" hadn't come, which helped me have peace of mind while still thinking this morning has been a blur of dreams and reality. 

   I decided on a nice warm shower to maybe calm down my mind. After about 10 minutes of staring at the shower's tiled wall and listening to the rain dropping sounds I finally, actually start taking a shower. It  was calming to be engulfed into the world of warm rain but I couldn't think of any answers to my questions.

After I hopped out with a towel around me, I hummed and picked out a outfit to wear.

I decide on a short white summer dress that I've gotten as a gift from Alice.

"You need to start showing off those legs or I'm afraid one day you even yourself will forget how they look like under those grandma socks."  She said poking me with her pen. 

I giggle at the memory very close to making it sad, when I stop myself.

I shouldn't hurt such good memories, they might be the last ones I'll be able to make with Alice. 

I dried my hair hastily and slipped on the dress, I look at the time and almost Yelp out loud for it being so late already.

I slip my white flats on and grab my phone and breakfast bar. I Praise god for dresses with pockets then run out. (Literally the best invention ever made no joke)

Without looking were I  was going ,once I finished locking my apartment door, I ran smack middle into something. My face felt as if I hit a thousand blocks of bricks. When I look up I notice it was not a something but a someone and I back away. 

"Oh I'm sorry" I say hastily and start walking off , rubbing my nose with my left hand, but a huge pair of hands on my shoulders held me put from leaving.

"Where do you think your going?" I look up to the brown eyed stranger, he had blonde hair and a kind sounding voice. He looked angry though, very angry. But let's be honest I have a resting bitch face so who knows. " I'm sorry for bumping into you sir but I must be go-" 

"Bell, God said for you to stay put , so you stay put"  He said the last part in a Good fellas kind of way.   

     I flush in anger this must be my helper, helper in what? 

"I don't care I'm going" I push past him not looking back.  He just rolled his head mumbled some curse word and something like kids these days and he disappeared, like poof, fairy poof and all, and he was gone, leaving me alone in the now empty hallway. 

Yup I'm definitely high...

I practically ran out of the building and yelled for a taxi. As I opened the door so did someone across from me. 

"So where are we going" it's Jack, a smirk already playing on his lips.

I thought death was supposed to be peaceful...

Author's note: sorry for the short chapter but I will add more detail on the place she lives in and what she looks like. Thx for reading  🙃

Angels Of Hell 'Diary Of Bell Smith'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora