Lets Begin

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"Before we begin", Thirteen spoke. "Let me say one thing, or two or three or maybe four-".

"We get it-"

"Okay so-", Saiki dozed off for a minute or so.

"Thank you for your attention", she said as she bowed. Everyone applauded except for Kusuo who was thinking about how much he wanted to sleep.

"Finally, now that that's over let's-", he stopped as a sort of portal appeared. A purple and black portal and a hand emerged from it and the stick figure soon followed.

"Everyone back! Thirteen protect my students!" Aizawa said as he ran up to the front.

"Wait-weren't we gonna rescue people or-", Kiriskuma-Kusuo couldn't remember his name- asked, dumbfounded.

"Those are real villains", the teacher said. Almost every student went stiff.

"Thirteen and Eraserhead was it? How disappointing, where's the grand symbol of peace? All Might was supposed to be here, dammit!" The villain grumbled as he scratched his neck.

"Perplexing to say the least, the schedule received from UA says that All Might should be here", the misty boi said.

"Ah, so you're the ones who broke into UA", Aizawa glared.

"How tragic, my dear friends wanted to meet All Might", the villain said, practically ignoring the hero.

"Well, maybe if we kill some brats he'll come out to play".

Kusuo looked at the handy man.


Some action.

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