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"Without further ado. It's time for us to get started! This is where you'll begin to feel the pain! The first game of the festival! What could it be?!" Midnight shouted as a screen spun a wheel behind her.

"Ta-dah!" She yelled as it slowed down. "Obstacle race", she grinned.

"All eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest! The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium! I don't wanna restrain anyone...at least in this game", she licked her lips.

'You sure the principal didn't hire a registered sex offender than a registered pro hero?' Kusuo thought as he crossed his arms.

"As long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires!" The audience cheered.

'Including murder?'

'Now, then. Take your places contestants!"


Everyone gathered quite messily in the beginning of the course.

Everyone tensed as the countdown started.




Immediately Kusuo jumped in the air, avoiding being frozen by Todoroki's quirk, which had frozen the entire ground.

The psychic sighed and began running. Using some speed and muscle to get ahead of the rest, while still maintaining his distance from Todoroni.

A few people had already escaped the ice and were already running or using their quirks to reach the two other students.

Kusuo glanced at them.

What would still be under the radar, but still a good place?



Maybe tenth place can suit him. Wouldn't make much sense for Izuku and Kusuo to be far apart in rankings when their quirks are supposed to be similar.

Anyways, there's robots up ahead.

Kusuo jumps and lands on one of it's shoulders, he kicks its head and it falls off, probably crushing a student or two.

Meh. Who cares.

Kusuo muses as he jumps off and heads forward. The blonde pro hero shouts something but Kusuo tunes him out in favor of actually doing the race.

The pink haired teen glances back to see Todoroki freezing the robots.

A few students continue running forward and the psychic follows suit.

"For those who thought the first obstacle course was easy, let's see about the second one!"

Kusuo sighs in irritation, and decides to simply jump.

Consistency is key to not sticking out he supposes.

But wouldn't that make him first? He faltered midair.


"Oh boy, we got Kusuo Saiki in the lead! Will the others be able to catch up? Any commentary on your student Eraserhead?" Present Mic gestures to the underground hero.

"Saiki's quirk automatically gives him the benefit in any race or battle. It's no surprise he's in the lead for me".

Kusuo glanced at his teacher before looking back and seeing some people already catching up.

Less attention. Alright.

The teen arrived at an empty space.

His telekinesis was quite a miracle for him at times, he mused as he concluded that this area was indeed a minefield.

A Hectic Hero | Saiki K | BNHA DISCONTINUED Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat