Chapter 6~Alex Summers

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When I went with both men in the car we pulled up to a fancy building.

"This yours?" I looked at both of them.

"In a way. It ours now." Charles stated.

"Ours? Who else is there?"

"You'll see." Charles looked at me mischievously. When I walked into the room there were other kids there. Not kids more like young adults but, not really teenagers. I looked at each of them one by one then saw him.

Blonde hair.


And he smiled at me. A soul crushing smile. I stared at him like a deer stuck in head lights. I felt nervous. Scared even. In a good way. Someone coughed awkwardly and I realized I was staring.

"Oh. Um sorry." I felt myself go red. The blonde chuckled.

"All good. My name's Alex. Alex Summers. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you to Blondie. The name is Y/N." I shook his hand.

"Blondie. That a new one." He smiled. "Should I have a nickname for you too."

"Maybe. If you get to know me better." We chuckled. Gosh I hope I am good at flirting.

I turned around to everybody else.

"Hey, the name's Y/N." I waved at everybody and then shook their hands.

At first there was a woman with blonde hair.
"Raven. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Too bad I already named him Blondie."

"Yeah hopefully you can give me something better." We laughed.

I said hi to everybody else. Then we started to have fun after all the introductions. I didn't want to come on too strong but I couldn't keep myself away so I made my way up to Alex.

"Hi again." I waved at Alex.

"Hey." He smiled. My stomach flopped up and down.

"So, what brings you here?"

"I'm dangerous. I want to do good with what I have so, that brought me here. You?"

"You dangerous? You've been only nice to me. And kind of the same. I'm different and I've only just found out so I guess then I'm dangerous too."

"Not that kind of dangerous. The kind were my powers get out of control."

"Sometimes getting out of control is better."

"Mhm yeah?" He looked at me curiously. "How so?"

"When we train ourselves we pull back we do that because we are trained to do so. We are trained to make sure what we do is controlled but if we let ourselves be out of control we can be more powerful. There is no limit."

"Is that what you want? To be all mighty and powerful?"

"No I just want to be free. Not tamed."

Alex looked at me like he saw me for the first time. We had a twinkle in his eye like he appreciated me.

"Yeah. Same here." We laughed and smiled. Then I noticed the dance floor was a little bare and a slow song started playing.

"Let's dance." I held out my hand to him.

Alex Summers / Havok x Reader Perfect Fit ❤️🧡💛🔔Where stories live. Discover now