- Chapter Three -

Start from the beginning

"Tamaki! She's so [tiny/tall]!" Mirio laughed, turning you around in his hold. Nejiri giggled.

"Mirio! Put her down!" Tamaki pleaded. Mirio just smiled.

"How do you know Tamaki?" He asked, chuckling.

"His mom and my mom were friends. He's one of my three emergency contacts." You said, kicking your legs aimlessly. "Please put me down."

Mirio set you down, ruffling your hair. "Why're you watching her, Tamaki? Any reason?"

"Well, she's training to be a hero. But she's also involved in a murder case, so that's probably part of the reason."

Nejiri's eyes widened. "Murder case?! Did she kill-"

"No. Y/n did not kill anyone." Tamaki sighed, putting his face in his hands. "Y/n, can you explain?"

"Uh, sure. Last week I got separated from my friends in the bad part of town and some guy cornered me." You gulped, trying to keep calm. "U-Uh, he tried to do stuff... to me... and someone killed him. Right in front of me. And, I, ahem, I didn't get a good look at them. So naturally, I'm a suspect." You chuckled awkwardly, the lies burning your throat.

I know her name, I know her face. I'll bet she's watching me right now, waiting for me to slip up so she can kill me. Oh, god.

You stumbled over your words a bit, chuckling as you furiously wiped the stray tears away. "Sorry. Sorry. It's weird to talk about."

"Don't apologize!" Nejiri shouted, squishing your cheeks together harshly and staring into your eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that! That's horrible!"

Mirio nodded. "That must've been hard for you to endure. Here, let's go get some food. What do you want?"

"Um, thanks for the offer, but I'm only here because my friend, Neito, wanted Tamaki to watch me while he got his bag back at school." You squinted at a person in the distance, chuckling. "I think that's him."

"Y/n!" Neito called, waving with a smile on his face. "Heyyy!"

You grinned and waved back, cheeks still a little red and eyes a bit puffy, but a smile gracing your lips as Neito slung his arm around your shoulders. "You ready to go home?"

"Yeah." You moved his arm off of your shoulders and gave Tamaki, Nejiri, and Mirio a small bow. "Goodbye. It was nice meeting you."

The two of you set out on your path home. You hummed a soft song to yourself, scrolling through [app of choice]. It was dark out already and the only light came from the buildings and the soft glow of your phone. Neito nudged you towards the space in-between the buildings, a well-worn path that was a shortcut back to your neighborhood.

Since the Toga incident, you had always thought you would be expecting something awful to happen at every turn and be prepared for it.

What you didn't expect was to get in a fight with two men that were much stronger than both you and your friend combined.

"Is this the one Toga won't shut up about?" One of them asked, blocking your path.

"Think so. Don't hurt her, I think Toga only wanted the guy to get hurt."

The taller male cracked his knuckles. "Can do."

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