Killua strummed on his electric guitar before counting down,


"There is nothing
You can do,
That i have not
Already done to myself.
There is nothing
You can do,
That i have not
Already done to myself."

"Holy shit..." Gon said, his eyes widening. "It's Mindless Self Indulgence. He's singing 'Never wanted to dance' by Mindless self Indulgence." Gon said to no one in particular. Mindless Self Indulgence, though, was definitely one of Gons top favorite bands. This definitely made Gon a lot more attracted to Killua. Kurapika was side eyeing Gon, smirking. Both soon paying attention to 'the grumpy kitty' again.

"Already done to myself,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Wouldn't take no for an answer, you fuckin' bitch."

Gon was definitely singing along by this point. Eyes closed, swaying his body back and forth— knowing every word to the song. When Gon opened his eyes again, he regretted it. Killua was yet again staring at Gon while he sang. Gon feeling naked underneath his gaze. Once Killua noticed Gons uneasiness, he smirked. You could practically hear the smirk in his singing.

After the song was done, Killua moved on to the next song fairly quickly. Gon on the other hand, came to a realization...

He needed to pee.

"Pikaaaa... Pikaaaa!" Gon whined, slurring ever so slightly on his words. Gon was just a little tipsy— definitely not drunk though. Kurapika giggled and finally turned around. "What is it dude." He said and Gon gave him puppy eyes. "I need to peeeeeeee. Where's the bathrooooooom." He said and Kurapika giggled again. "There's one next to the arcade games but i don't think it'd be open. So, there's one next to the stairs, upstairs." He said and Gon was a little confused but headed upstairs anyway— not before trying to give Kurapika a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. Though, of course, Kurapika didn't let him.

Gon finished up with his "business", and started the walk back downstairs. He stopped though, just before he was about to open the door to the basement. He spotted a big room, down the hall— the hall being next to the basement door. Gon took his hand off the door handle and walked towards the door down the hall.

"Where's Gon?" Killua asked. He was all done with singing for the night. His throat being a bit dry, his voice a bit raspy. Kurapika smirked, "He's going to the bathroom, upstairs. Although that was like 20 minutes ago. Why do you ask? Killua?" Kurapika said, his smirk getting bigger. Killua punched him in the arm and scoffed, "I was just asking. Dip shit. Well, whatever. I'm going upstairs to get food. And to maybe check if the idiot slipped and cracked his head open or something." Killua said, rolling his eyes. "Yeahhh, whatever you say." Kurapika said and Killua punched him again.

Closing the fridge and taking a bite out of one of his Choco-Robo balls. He sat on the one of the stools, in front of the island, in the kitchen. Slowly swaying to the faint piano he hadn't realized he was hearing. Until he did. "What the fuck?" He said, getting up from the stool and heading over to the family's music room.

"It sounds like..." It sounds like Brahms' 'Sonata, Op.34b: 1. Allegro non troppo'. He thought. This piano piece was a duet piece, and currently Killua was hearing the primo part— whoever was playing, they were playing perfectly, note for note— for the primo part.

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