A Glance With An Eye And A Shadow Helped You Find Shelter

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The generator came up with "Eye, Glance, Shadow, Shelter" so I thought how I could do this. Henry is the bottom in this shot, and both he and William dress "masculine". Henry is trying to find a place to stay while working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria with William. William has no children and a dead wife because she hung herself. Henry has no wife- otherwise he'd be living with her- obviously. William doesn't kill though, as he has basically no reason (he and his wife weren't that close as it was an arranged marriage).  They're also 21.

There will be: swearing, kinky stuff, FEELS and tissues at the end.

There may be: nosebleeds.

Time: 7:00 A.M

Location: The Backroom, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

Perspective: Henry's

I sighed, looking up. I froze.

'You alright, kid?' Mr. Afton asked.

'Yeah!' I stammered. I forgot that Mr. Afton was this hot with his blond hair, diamond-like eyes and freckles that seemed to be a constellation.

'Glad so.' He chuckled. He ran his fingers through his hair, his gaze raking over me.

'Ehm, you?' I shifted, uncomfortable under Afton's gaze.

'Fine.' He sighed. 'Just tired.' I now saw the dark circles beneath his eyes, his dishevelled look.

'Isn't there an event in the night?' I asked, gesturing to the posters.

'Yep.' He sighed again. 'I have to postpone it because my wife's funeral is tomorrow.' Oh shit-

'Sorry for your loss- Mr. Afton!' I yelped.

'It's fine, also. You can call me William.' He was silent. Then spoke. 'Could you come to her funeral with me? It's at my place because it's what she put.' I couldn't help but feel turned on, even knowing William was just widowed.

The Next Day

Time: 19:30

Location: The Garden, William's House

Perspective: William's

I looked at my mother, she was weeping beside Rosetta's grave. I didn't care much for Rosetta, but I knew my mother did. Walking towards her, I kneel by her. 'It wasn't your fault, mum...'

'But it was! If I hadn't proposed to her father for her to marry you, she'd still be here!' She began to shake.

'She left a note, by the way. It was addressed to you and..' I broke off, remembering my father's death. '...to you.' I took out the folded note and passed it to her.

'She did..?' She managed a weak smile as she took the letter. 'She was a good lady who was perfect for you, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Like me and Vincent...'

'Don't say that..! Dad loved you more than anything in the world. If he heard you right now, he'd be in tears.'

'Heh... I guess you're right. But I still can't help but feel guilty...'

Time: 22:10

Location: Kitchen, William's house

Perspective: Henry's

I looked at William, he was bedraggled. 'Are you sure you don't want tea or coffee?'


'Alright...' I hid my worried tone and turned back around. 'Hang on- how much alcohol did you have?!'

Willry/Helliam Unoshots (Oneshots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon