As long as you are safe (Spencer Reid/ Reader)

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Requested: Yes: could i request a spencer x reader where she's on the team and she ends up sacrificing herself for him and she gets hurt because of it. and can it end fluffy cause i don't think i can take a non happy ending!

Summary: People say "I would die for you" a lot, but never actually mean it. She never said it, but she was willing to take a bullet for Spencer Reid if she had to.

Warnings: Angst, fluff

Pairing: Spencer Reid / Reader

Word count: 2K

A/N: This is my first angst request, so bear with me, ok?


Nothing had ever hurt so much. But it didn't matter to (Y/N). Spencer was safe, that was all she cared about.

- Pressure dropping- one paramedic warned and kept checking (Y/N)'s vitals- Stay with me- he looked at her right into the eyes- I need you to stay awake, ok?

- She's hypoventilating- someone else warned

- Come on (Y/L/N)- Morgan held her hand as he rode with her to the hospital- Come on pretty girl, hold on.

- She has to be taken to the ER now!

Derek was sent with her in that ambulance, Reid wanted to go instead, but he was a nervous wreck, he was no help at all. No one had ever seen him lose it before, not the way he had when he saw (Y/N) bleeding next to him.

It all happened too quickly. And it felt it was all his fault.

He could see the moment she got shot, repeating in his mind, over and over again, the whole drive to the hospital: The unsub was right in front of him, he was sure their job was done. Derek was already handcuffing him when Reid felt (Y/N) jump on him and push him to the ground at the sound of a gunshot.

Spencer shook his head and tried to wipe off the tears from his cheeks, as the image of that specific fragment of his life kept coming back. But the tears kept falling, and he couldn't stop sobbing.

He should have seen it. He should have foresighted the idea of a second unsub, an accomplice... it was now too clear, but also, it was now too late.

Reid quickly grabbed his gun and shot the killer right in the middle of the forehead. But he didn't care about him that second, he did it out of instinct, all he could think about was (Y/N). He quickly crawled by her side and started yelling for a doctor.

- I'm ok silly- she whispered and tried to calm him down. She was lying, and he knew it. It was frustrating how even bleeding on the floor, she would always try to make him feel better.

- Shhh, come on, stay with me, stay with me, (Y/N)- Spencer was trying to keep her awake, but it wasn't working, (Y/N) was bleeding out too fast, even when Reid kept pushing his hands against the wound on her chest.

- You are ok, that's what matters- she whispered and made her best to smile, but she couldn't, her eyes shut, and Spencer lost it.

- No! no! no! no! (Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!

Medics took her from the ground and onto the ambulance, as Derek held Spencer back. He was sobbing and yelling, no one had ever seen him like that. He blamed himself and if anything happened to (Y/N), he was never going to forgive himself. He couldn't pull himself together for a second.

That's why Hotch took him to the SUV and asked Morgan to go with (Y/N). Reid yelled and argued, he didn't want to leave her side, but he was forced to. It felt it was a movie, it was... wrong, everything was wrong. An hour ago they were laughing in the same car he was now sitting in. And now... now he might never see her again. Now the last thing he had said to her was "Stay with me", and if she didn't, Spencer didn't know how he was going to survive.

One Shots - Matthew Gray Gubler / Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now