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           1700s was not how you may seem it was for fashion back then, they did wear makeup but it was very natural makeup and light. Women did not wear wigs unlike men, for that seemed unladylike.
          Corsets were called stays back then, they had a different shape than 1800s corsets.

They tied in the back like most corsets and were almost like a shirt but still gave support for the chest

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They tied in the back like most corsets and were almost like a shirt but still gave support for the chest. The corset was like a bra for women back then. You may think right now that corsets are dangerous, in fact, they aren't. If you wear a corset with nothing underneath it, it may hurt over the day. You must wear things underneath your corset, it is easier to do things in and is more comfortable.
          First thing underneath the corset is the shift also known as a chemise and a sark. It is like a night gown that is all white. Then the petticoat, it is like a hoop skirt for back then. Then the stays (corset) and the stockings, the stocking are tied with ribbon to stay in place over the day. If you are upper class you'll have panniers, but they only started using them in the 1750s. If you are upper class you'll tie your pockets around your panniers (yes ladies, pockets!) then you'll have your dress or skirt and blouse.
         1710s fashion looked a little something like this

          1710s fashion looked a little something like this

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You'll notice she has a petticoat underneath her skirt. Hair for back then did not become big just yet. It was curled though, and brushed back. Makeup for women in the 1710s was light foundation and blush, they did circling motions for the blush on the cheeks. They didn't do straight lines for blush until the 1940s.

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