★ Twenty-Six ★

294 28 92

welp, i don't have much to say. i wrote this in like forty minutes and its barely edited, as always, xoxox.


Spring was full-fledged in the air as the end of May drew nearer and nearer by the day -- Frank's window open from where he was scribbling out prom posters, having actually taken up the offer on helping Jamia plan it, and becoming even closer with her along the way.

And, well, everything would've been perfect if it weren't for the dangerous thoughts murking back in his mind -- the ones concerning the bet, and the entire mess that he'd managed to find himself sinking deeper and deeper into. Still, Gerard had no clue of the bet -- Frank keeping his lips shut as his stomach grew queasier and queasier as the days blurred together as the school year came to a close.

He supposed that now that finals were over, that he could finally relax a little bit -- focusing on enjoying the last few weeks he had left of high school, rather than fretting over a stupid fucking bet. But, yet, here he was -- gnawing on his lip as the spring air flitted through his window, thick with the scent of new growth and blooms from the suburban Jersey streets below.

Frank, secretly, was brainstorming of ways how to break the news of the bet to Gerard -- but yet, was still unwanting to do so, not wishing to cause any further damage than he already had. On the other hand, he was planning of ways to ask Gerard to prom -- even if they had to appear as just friends while at the event.

What he planned on happening afterward, though, was the part that he was the most nervous on -- still ensuring that he would make everything as special and intimate as he could, as he would propose the thought of, perhaps, having sex for the first time once they returned home. With how impatient, and vocal about the situation, though, that Gerard was becoming -- Frank had no doubt that he'd likely wish to do so, so made sure to keep preparing everything that he could in that time frame.

He had been in the middle of letting his thoughts consume him as he heard the phone ringing downstairs, startling from his daydreams as he heard his mother answer it. It wasn't long, though, before she was speaking. "Frank! Come here!"

Biting his lip, Frank stood from his desk, making his way downstairs to his mother with a worried frown on her face -- quickly passing the line onto Frank as she sent him a look, to which Frank felt his stomach sink in worry.

Pressing the phone to his ear, immediately, he was hit with the sound of Gerard sobbing -- his heart sinking and cracking as he quickly spoke. "G--Gerard? What's wrong."

Gerard couldn't even speak for a few moments, sobbing so raggedly that Frank almost couldn't bear it, feeling himself get choked up at the sound. "My-- my parents, I'm--" He managed, hiccupping. "I'm gonna be outed--"

"What?" Frank asked, quietly in disbelief as sobs only raked further over the line -- Gerard not even able to form a cohesive sentence. "Okay, okay, baby," Frank said quickly. "I'm picking you up. I'll be right over."

Immediately, without even taking a moment to explain to his mother -- he was grabbing her keys and rushing out the front door, driving all the way to Gerard's house in his pajama pants.

As he managed to get Gerard in the car -- his sobs had stilled, holding strong as he trembled in the passenger seat, though finally cracking once more as they pulled back into Frank's driveway.

Helping him inside, Frank's parents watched concernedly as Gerard hid his face ashamedly in his sleeve, Frank speaking. "He needs a minute, please."

They nodded, letting the two head upstairs -- Frank sitting Gerard onto the bed as he instantly latched onto him, crying into his shoulder as Frank gently soothed him, running fingers through his hair and up and down his back.

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