Sammie stepped in, her hair was in a braid, she stood higher and taller. Her hands were behind her back, she wore a black tank top and black cargo pants. Her black combat boots made her height change and she stood there smiling. 

"Your Highness." 

I chuckled. "Beta." 

"I am glad to see you doing well." She remained in the door way. 

"I am alive and well. What can I do for you?" 

She closed the door and entered the room standing a few feet away from my desk. "The rogues we have kept in prison have mentioned a few names we should look into from the attack." 

I sat my pen down on the desk and leaned backward. "These names?" 

"Shane, Dickson, and Henry..." 

I froze. "Im sorry what?" 

Sammie spoke carefully. "Grace was seen in the out cove of the woods with the others that were fleeing when Daniel and your fathers eldest guards were chasing after them. We dont know if she was involved and her being a rouge herself, puts her into questioning." 

"Daniel would never let this happen." I stated 

Sammie spoke with hardness. "He wouldn't, but he cannot speak for his mate. She is being held in one of the cells with access to Daniel, myself and your parents. She is not speaking, but I think that Iris can speak to her?" 

"Why would you say that?" 

"She is the queen now. She is the moon goddess and she has a way with words." 

Sammie and I latched eyes for a minute. I was always able to read her like a book, but now that she is before me gaining her positions to be my second, she was closed off. Conversations between us were not like before. She was more closed off with me and I was towards her. It wasn't personal, we both knew that, but I was her Alpha, her King she would listen to me. 

"I will speak with her, but I want Daniel with her right now. As a best friend he needs to see his mate. As a King I want more progress with finding out who did this and the motive. Having three people in custody is a start." 

Sammie nodded. "I understand your majesty." 

She moved towards the door. "Sammie." She looked over her shoulder to meet my eyes. "It's Will." 

She grew a small smile and closed the door behind her. It was a start towards building our friendship back to where it was. Once we spoke about everything she became more rigid, more stand off, more my second than a person I needed to be. This was difficult for me and I know being a King and Mate is my top priority, but Sammie always knew how to make me feel better. She always knew how to say the right thing. I was lost without my best friend. 

"You could just talk to her." Eros spoke 

"It's not that easy." I sighed leaning my head into my palms. My wounds were healing nicely, but with both my wolf resting and Eros himself healing, I was shit out of luck healing faster than I was normally. 

"I dont see why not? I have seen you two grow up, she is more understanding than you think she is. She has been through everything with you. She will understand your feelings, especially those that were there before your mate."  

"She needs time and I have been giving that to her." 

He leaned in my head arms crossed. "What ever will get you through the night to sleep well." An just like that he was gone. 


Hours were spent at the desk, deciphering the letters and notes I have been receiving from politic parties, small countries needing help, adoring fans, we apparently have gained, and so much more. Moving the papers around I slowly moved towards the couch and layed myself down. I dont remember dozing off, but when I did wake I saw Iris's face above mine. She smiled lightly and I swear my heart did a flip. This damn girl will kill me. 

Her hand moved my hair out of my face. "Your mother had the maids and servants more our stuff in the bedroom. She wanted this big dinner for us and she didn't know where you were." 

I grabbed her hand. "And you did?" 

"I had a feeling that a King would be working in his study, I helped him get in this morning." 

I smiled kissing her palm, looking into those eyes. "There is a lot of work to be done my Queen." 

She blushed. "I will have to get used to that. I will admit to you Will, this is all overwhelming. Moving from being "dead" all my life to being in the spot light." She looked down at my hand on hers and slowly drew hearts on it. "I dont want to disappoint anyone, but my abilities will be overwhelming as is and this to add upon it, I dont know how I feel about it Will." 

I sat up so we were eye level. "I am overwhelmed myself. Going from practicing to the real thing, I dont really know if im doing this right. It really was my first full day, but Eros adding it wont help." I chuckled lifting her hand to my lips. "But I promise you, Iris, I will do everything I can to make you my equal, my partner, my mate, my Queen. I do not wish for you to be overwhelmed. You are not disappointing anyone." 

I dont know who moved first but our lips were together. Her in my lap, my hands feeling her body. The way her hips dipped to meet mine, the way her hair was to her mid back, to her honey filled scent captivated myself. Her hands were exploring me as well, in my hair, up and down my back and on my chest. She slowly moved back, our foreheads touching and our breaths mingled. 

Her blush on her complexation will be the death of me. Those eyes will trap me forever and I was okay with getting lost. My hand moved to pull back the hairs behind her ears and the one stayed on her hip. Her hands were on my chest right by my heart, she pulled up my shirt so she could see the wounds that were slowly healing. 

"Can I try something?" She spoke quietly.

I smiled. "Of course." 

She closed her eyes and moved both hands to the wound that was on my rib. She spoke in languages I didn't understand and soon she was glowing again, her light was too strong I was closing my own eyes. It didn't last long till she was no longer glowing and she was breathing heavily. Her hands slowly moved away from my wound and to be dammed it was no longer there. That was shocking. 

"I haven't healed anyone since I was a child. I didn't know if Xenia would let me touch you but I guess now that they have found each other like we did that she is granting me more powers." 

I was still looking at my wound, feeling around the area. A small scratch was there now, obviously to scare but with this now my wolf could heal faster and that would no longer be there. "That was amazing!" 

She smiled again. "Advantages of being mated to the moon goddess." 

I smiled at her. "Advantages of being mated to you will always surprise me and I dont think I can handle it every time." 

"You've been in here to long, lets go see your family." She started to get up, but I stopped her. 

"Do we have to." 

She chuckled. "Yes, they worry, especially your mother." 

I groaned my head hit her chest, I could stay here a little longer. "Will..." 

I didn't move. "No." 

She laughed. "Okay a few more minutes." 

I smiled knowing we wouldn't be going to see my family. We did what we wanted and we both feel asleep here on the couch. Her on my chest and my hands tangled within hers. Here with her was where I was meant to be. Nothing would take this away. Eros included. 

Alpha William: The Alpha Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें