Chapter 1: Seven Days Left

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"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" -Oscar Wilde


"Yes sweetie?" My mother asked putting her glasses on the table next to her computer

"When will I find my mate?" I asked moving the food around on my plate

"When the time is right. Most say an Alpha son finds his mate when they turn eighteen, but since your royalty its going to be harder because your exhibited as a royal, but when you find your mate I know you'll do good" She smiled "Now eat your fruit, you need muscle!"

Sighing I finished my lunch and I headed to my fathers studies. Climbing the stairs I saw my older sister walking my way. "Hey squirt!"

"AJ I told you, im thirteen not three, please stop calling me squirt, call Abe that!" I groaned

"Just because im six years older than you doesn't mean I can't call my baby brother his childhood nickname" She said ruffling my hair

"Aj please stop harassing your brother" My father chuckled

"But daddy, his my brother im allowed too!" She whined

"He is thirteen April-June he's not a little boy anymore" He smiled

"But daddy!" She latched onto his arm and batted her eyelashes

"April" He used his warning tone

"Daddy I promise I wont harass him but daddy can I harass Ab?"

"Fine, just don't annoy your mother, you know how easy it is to annoy her"

She squealed "Love you daddy, by teenager"

"She is my princess" My father muttered "Please enter son we have a lot to go over"

"Now as you know son you will take over when my ruling is over." I nodded "I just want to tell you that this won't be hard, but I want you to enjoy being thirteen, but as soon as your birthday comes it's training and preparations. Got it?"

"Yes father" I sighed

He gestured for me to come by him sitting me on his arm chair he spoke "I want you to enjoy life as young as possible before you have to grow up. I want you to rule the way you want. My father taught me at a young age. Your my son and I want what's best for you"

"Daddy?" I asked

"Yeah bud?" He laughed

"How did you find mommy?"

My father chuckled "That is a long story my boy..."


When I woke up I rolled over and saw my alarm glow 5:30am. I groaned for a moment and layed stating at the ceiling, soon my birthday will come upon the day the blood moon rises and to say im nervous is an understatement. Grabbing the sheets i threw them off to the side, took my phone and the left over water bottle I changed into a pair of work out clothes and moved to the out fields. Staring between the tennis courts and the basketball court I gathered my racket and a tennis ball aimed at the net and shot out the ball. Every morning I like to get my anger out before training so I dont compromise my ability to focus my wolf to maintain stability and accuracy. Sweat dripping down my body it almost feels like an hour but its only been a few minutes I stood still listening to the wind flowing, its going north, towards the sky, towards the sun. The sun, the mother of light, awakening, spirituality and where my mother told me to go when I would feel uncertain about life.

Alpha William: The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now