Chapter 3: Five Days Left

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  • Dedicated to MY PEOPLE

"I think romance is anything honest. As long as its  honest, its so daring" -Kristen Stewart 

Im staring and I dont know how long it is for, but God I cannot stop. There she is, my mate, this beautiful woman in front of me staring around looking confused. Her hair white as snow curled down to her waist, her mixture eyes scanning the room trying to figure out what is happening, her figure is beyond me, those legs, those hips, God what I would do to her right here. My heart rate is skyrocketing and I could feel Sammie touch me, "God William you are burning up!"

I shake her arm off of me "Mate" Is all I am able to say before I feel pain, everywhere. In my hands, in my legs, every bone in my body is screaming, im on fire. I groan in pain and soon my father is next to me, "Abe help me take him outside! Now!" 

Abe and my father were pulling me outside, once the cool air hit me I fall to the floor groaning in pain, im shifting right here but its not a full shift which makes me even more confused. "His wolf is trying to shift but he cant push through!" 

"What can we do?! Hes in pain!" Sammie is screaming trying to come near me 

"STOP!" I scream holding my chest and another wave pulses through me, I can feel my wolf push through I start to feel my muscles ache and tear 

"Can I help?" God her voice is so angelic all I could do is stare at her 

Her mother is right at her side "Sweetie that is not a good idea." 

Everyone has worry faces and no one is helping me, which is pissing me off "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" My wolf growls through, sharp fangs puncture through and my claws tear through my human skin I am tossing and turning in the dirt 

The next few things that happen are a blur but before I black out entirely, my mother is talking to my father and the council members, they keep looking back at me and my state. My mother and my mate step forward all I could hear are small whispers of "You're going to be okay" and "The pain will stop soon." Small wave tingles through me, I feel like I am being submerged in an ice bath, my claws are retracting so are my teeth, my body doesn't feel like it is on fire anymore. 

Soon I am looking up, looking at those beautiful blue/green eyes, those eyes that pull you into a pool of awe, those beautiful eyes. I feel a small smile spread on my face, my head is on her lap and she has her hands on my temples, she mumbles a few words and soon all I see is her eyes turn white, like her hair. Then it is dark. 


"What the hell happened last night!?" My mothers voiced raised 

"It looks like his wolf got to excited about the reveal of his mate that it tried to switch mid way at diner last night, his human body couldn't contain the excitement his wolf brought it almost literally tore him in half." Dr.Heller spoke 

My father sighed "So what do we do now? We know his mate is here? Why can't we put them together? Surely when I was young my mate helped me through it-" 

"It is not that simple."

 I stirred in the bed and my eyes opened, I could feel the ache in my joints "Hi sweetie, how you feeling?" My mom spoke reaching for me tears in her eyes 

"Sore" Is all I could manage to say 

"That will be there for a few days, your wolf did quiet the damage on you young man. You are gonna have to take it easy."

"No way Heller, I gotta train" I began to sit up ignoring the shoots of pain in my arms 

My mothers hands were on my chest pushing me down "No baby you have to rest." 

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