Chapter 8: Coronation Day Part 1

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"A shiny ring isn't romantic to me. I think thought and love into what you do for the person you're in love with- that's romance" -Sasha Grey

Iris above 

Todays chapter will be in the third person, this chapter will be split into two parts and will take me a long time to write since there will be much that will happen. I thank you guys for sticking around and continuing to read this book with all these changes I have made! I am finally happy with the way it is turning out and I am glad that it is still being read after my two year pause! Thank you!!!

Coronation Day Part 1


"Coronation day has arrived for the kingdom, for the village and for the entire country. Today Alpha William Timothy Senior the third will step down from his position as Alpha King. All eyes will not only be on him, but his eldest son, Prince soon to be King William Timothy Junior the fourth and his mate Irsabeth Resin the daughter of the councilmen and woman Resin's. Tonight will bring the country into the twentieth century, the new found King has spoke out in public several times regarding what his administration will bring. We go to Tom who has the full scoop on this new king to be, Tom?" 

"Thank you Cherrie, tonight will mark the first crowned prince of the twentieth century of William Timothy Junior the fourth, but what does this new King have to bring? I sat down with the prince himself to ask him a couple of questions, the first thing I had asked the soon to be King is what would be his first act. He told me Cherie, he would help those that have less money or dont make any at all to have health care and benefits. The second act he told me he would, he would reverse the order his grandfather put into act in 1860, making the King and Queen give states there rights to hold there own court of law allowing the states there own senates. This act really calls into question what else is there to change with this new King? We will found out soon enough, back to you Cherie" 

"Thank you Tom and we will see what this new King will bring into our new country. We will be reporting live all day with all the details of the royal coronation. This is Cherie Blouson on channel 5." 

The news would be broadcasted live for not only the country but for the entire country. This new King would be the talk of the town, his new acts call into question the stability of the monarchy and ask what does happen behind close doors? Serious questions remain on what this new King will do with his new found power, the villagers hardly seen him out in public till recently, but again where will this stand for the new royal couple? 


"You know we can't see each other this morning. Your mother will kill me!" Iris spoke laying in the sheets of her mate's 

William looked down at her eyes full of desire, hope, love, affection and more "No one will know, besides it is our day." 

Iris smiled at the thought of being the queen of the entire country but deep down she was worried. Will she be a good queen, will she be like his mother, can she deal with being the moon goddess and a queen? Thoughts ran high in her mind for days, Will still doesn't know the ability he upholds and how destructive it can be for the both of them when the time comes for them to be intimate. She had tried for days to keep things slow but the mate bond they share has been pulling them together faster than anyone could predict. 

"Hey." William spoke pulling a piece of hair away from Iris's face and placing it behind her ear leaving his hand on her cheek "What you thinking in that head of yours?" 

Iris looked at William, really looked at him, his blue eyes darted between hers behind them she could see the confusion, the regret, the hurt, the sorrow, the love, she could see everything he was feeling through those eyes. She could sense his mood had shifted, he was worried about her and he had every right to be but with the full moon approaching, the rise in both of there energies was causing  stir in Iris. 

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