Chapter 9: Coronation Day Part 2

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"Love is a great emotion, but I believe it's not just about romance; it could be love for nature, people or relationship" -Rani Mukerji

"Here they are the new King and Queen of Windier!" The doors opened of the church, the young couple stood applause meet them when they reached the end of the first step. The crowds were delightful a new reign was starting, the media outlets lined up on the outskirts of the forest. Both the King and Queen stood waving at there people, they stood smiling watching the crowds cheer in happiness, the homes of thousands watched them waive, thousands gathering in large crowds to cheer them on, but one group resented the new reign. 

A storm was coming and the more Iris stood outside the more she could feel it in her bones that something bad was going to happen, what that was she wasn't sure but something was coming and the outcome wasn't going to be good. Another minute waiving Iris saw something past the crowd of news's outlets, a pair of red eyes stared back at her, heavy blood eyes sent chills down her spine. A soft bump to Will the pair starred into the distance and multiple eyes were starring at them. Will looked towards his father and soon a full protection was wrapped around the building and the pair entered the carriage. 

The annual tower of the village was a custom the King and Queen have to do to show solidarity towards there people that are below them. Iris was still not at ease with the eyes watching, but turned towards her people. Mothers were crying, babies screaming, young girls were admiring Iris watching her white hair flow in the wind. Young boys were shouting at Will puffing there chests out to reach the build of there new King. 

The carriage stopped at the smallest part of the village were the poorest people and those who do not have a title, a wolf, a family or choose to be close to the rouge territory. This part of the parade was always the most watched, but Iris choose to stop and get out of the carriage. A young wolf layed on the ground panting and scared, this must have been his first shift. Iris could sense the pain he was in and soon noticed his back paw was broken, she smiled and approached the wolf slowly. The young pup backed away slowly but noticed her female alpha wolf come through and the young wolf became submissive. Iris held his paw, the small amount of glow entered her body not enough for people to notice but enough for the paw of the young wolf to be fixed. 

"That was very kind of you." A gentle voice approached her, a young woman stood looking at Iris 

"He was injured, I couldn't just watch. Is he yours?" She spoke softly holding the pup in her arms 

The young woman slowly shook her head, "He is my child." 

Iris smiled, she imagined her life with children many times, but the reality of that happen is a miracle chance. Like herself her child would have a lot of medical troubles but she would risk anything to have children. She handed over the pup, the young mother smiled and kissed his head. 

"I wish you the best and wish you nothing but luck for motherhood. If you need anything please do let me know. What is your name?" 

The young woman eyes gleamed with tears "Heather your majesty." 

"You may call me Iris, if you ever need Heather please do not hesitate to reach for me." 

"Thank you, your-Iris." 

William stood looking in awe of what his mate was doing, she stopped everything to help a pup gain his foot back. She stopped the parade to help a single mother gain her happiness back by helping the only that ment something to her. William stood next to Iris and smiled at the young woman. 

"Heather if you ever need anything, like my Queen has said please reach out to us, we will try to accommodate the best we can." 

Heather cried "Thank you, both of you. He is my only reason of living and this gift of healing is the most sincere gift I have received in my life time. I will never forget this and I will never forget your kindness." 

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