Chapter 9

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The weekend had arrived faster than anticipated. Kenma, who took a day off Friday, was now in front of his closet, shivering of anticipation. He threw a glance at the clock, now showing less than an hour before he was supposed to meet with Kuroo for the festival. He shuddered again, many thoughts rushing into his head. 

He simply did not understand why he so easily accepted. Kenma isn't one for social events, and the fact that he was now thinking of tons of other ways to spend his Saturday night only made him dread his decision. Could he cancel? No, not when it's such last minute. Plus, he couldn't bear Kuroo's expression if he were to refuse him. 

If Kenma did not know any better, if he were such an ignorant person, he would call it manipulation. The way Kuroo so easily bewitched Kenma. But sadly, Kenma has enough self-awareness to know Kuroo is too kind to be like that. He can't accuse those black eyes of manipulating him into doing anything. Those deep, almost melancholic eyes he grew to know so well. 

He sighed, finally deciding on a grey yukata for the festival. It was running a bit big on him, making Kenma look even shorter. Without a single glance in the mirror, he ran outside, breathing in the fresh air. 

Arrived at the festival, it was not very long until Kenma had spotted the tall bedhead in the crowd. He was sporting a dark red yukata, as Kenma would have expected. Kuroo seemed to love the color red. Kenma then quietly made his way to him, and tapped his shoulder. 

The bedhead let a loud yelp, turning around and threw an exaggerated finger towards Kenma, screeching how scared he was. Kenma, the straightforward person he was, rapidly told him to quiet down as he was embarrassing him in public. 

The both of them then started strolling around. 

"... what'cha wanna to do?" Kuroo asked, his messy head tilted to the side. 

Kenma shrugged his shoulders. He would've proposed something, if only he had the slightest idea what people do during these kind of events. 

"There's some cool prizes you can win and food carts. We could start with those," Kuroo finally proposed, much to Kenma's relief. If it weren't for him, the two boys could've spent the entire night standing at the same place they were. 

"Sounds good." 

After about two hours of wandering around, waiting for Kuroo to try every single game there was, Kenma was already feeling quite bored. It was not his friend's fault, nor was it his. Kenma simply did not feel like staying in such a crowned place for the rest of the night. The constant yelling and kids running around nearly tripping him over was not one feeling he would cherish for very long. On the contrary, he was beginning to feel his irritation grow. 

"I don't feel like staying much longer," Kenma bluntly said to Kuroo. The latter did not look sad. On the opposite actually, his face only seemed to say "finally, you said it out loud" which made Kenma feel a little guilt seeping in his heart. 

"Well then, let's go somewhere calmer" Kuroo grabbed Kenma's wrist, and as per usual, dragged him from left to right, up and down in the streets.  

They had stopped at a little balcony, leading to a high footbridge. Up there, everything seemed more quiet. The wind was colder, and hissing close to Kenma's ears. He approached the railing, staring at the dark sky. 

"The fireworks start soon. I thought it would be better from up here, don't you think?" Kuroo said, tilting his head. 

He hummed in approval. He could already hear cheers from below, a sign the spectacle is indeed starting very soon. 

Kuroo tapped his shoulder, pointed at the sky and started counting: 

"3.... 2....1...." 

As Kenma heard the countdown end, he braced his ears for the loud rumbling that would ignite from the fireworks. A small hiss, followed by an explosion from above their heads made Kuroo smile as he cheered for more. 

Red, orange, blue and green jets of light could be seen in the sky, lighting Kenma's face. He could hear a faint popping coming from inside his chest, making him slightly enervated. Nevertheless, he did not say a word. He simply stared at above him, and despite the loud sound, found a little bit of peace in his heart. It was not because of the spectacle. It was because of Kuroo. 

He directed his body in his direction, to catch his expression better. The tall boy was now yelling, his hands gripping the railing as he leaned in dangerously, asking for more. Kenma had his full attention on him, not bothering to see what kind of fireworks they had launched now. It did not matter in the slightest to him. 

Why was Kuroo's face so addicting? Why was it impossible to forget it? Kenma wondered, his eyebrows slightly frowned without him knowing. 

"Are you ok?" A worried voice queered, ripping Kenma from his thoughts. 

He nodded, not daring to make part of his worries. He would sound so weak... besides, it would be selfish to ruin such a moment with deep and sad words. 

"The fireworks.... I like them a lot ." He lied. 

Kuroo happily nodded, all traces of worries washed away.

"You know, it's current tradition to make a wish when the last firework is up." Kuroo then said. 

Just as he said those words, a faint hiss could be heard, followed by a rumbling explosion. The very last one was now up in the sky, bursting of vibrant colors. Kuroo now had his eyes shut. He is probably making a wish. 

It was not surprising. Such a childish thing, Kuroo was sure to follow it with no hesitation. But even more surprising, Kenma wanted to make a wish too. He closed his eyes, and quickly thought of something he would want. 

And as the very last burst could be heard from above their heads, Kenma found himself wishing for the most unexpected thing. 

To stay with Kuroo for as long as it could be possible. 

𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 (A KuroKen AU)Where stories live. Discover now