Chapter 13

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3 years have passed since the last summer Kenma saw Kuroo. 3 whole years, and yet it was just as painful as if it was yesterday. 

After that last summer finished, Kenma never texted Kuroo. He never bothered calling him, or sending a gaming request. It was over, in every sense of the word. And when the next summer vacations came, he refused his mother's proposal of him working over at his grandparents like every year. It was pointless to go there only to be reminded that it's not like before. 

Kenma was now at college, studying for a video game creating course. He was happy, and was doing well. He had friends, and was successful in everything he tried. 

But inside, he felt so guilty he ran away. He felt empty, and yet would spend his nights crying. Perhaps he should have confronted it. But he didn't. He never told what needed to be said. He feels... regret, perhaps. Longing for more. 

Kenma softly sang a song that was playing on the radio, waiting for his order to be yelled. He was at a local café, close to the city. It was almost eight of the evening, and Kenma could not wait to just get to his dorm, jump in his bed and sleep. 

The wait was getting agonizingly long, his mind inevitably drifting off. He observed everyone around him. Kenma could not help to sonder, as he stared at a couple nearby. Outside, rain could be heard drumming against the windows. 

"Number 186?" a voice yelled, holding up a single cup of coffee. Kenma broke away from his daydreams and took the cup, dreadfully heading outside without an umbrella.  

As soon as he stepped outside, Kenma felt something wet run along his leg and foot. He looked down and saw his shoe ankle-deep in a puddle, as he quietly cursed. He took another step, only now to ram into someone's shoulder, making him stumble back. Embarrassed, he stared at the ground, mumbling "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking..." 

"No worries. I wasn't looking either" the voice answered. 

Kenma's head immediately shot up, gasping. That person, it was Kuroo. His whole body turned into survival mode, his heart rate spiking up and his breathing was shorter. 

The latter did not seem to have recognized Kenma either, as he slightly jumped and his eyes widened. 

"Kenma...! I didn't recognize you..." he said awkwardly scratching his neck. It did not take a genius to understand that he did not want to be held there for long. The stealthy looks he was giving behind Kenma, like someone would appear and ask him to take his leave said it all. 

"How are you?" Kenma asked, his voice raspy. His heart was pounding into his chest so loudly, but Kenma forced himself to keep a stable tone. 

"I'm fine. School, work, the usual." Kuroo answered in a polite voice. Kenma wished he wouldn't be so polite. He wanted Kuroo to start yelling at him, or tackle him into a hug. Anything but that voice. 

Kenma nevertheless nodded to his answer. 

"I miss you." 

It had finally slipped out. Accidental or not, it was out. Kuroo did not say anything. He simply kept his eyes on Kenma, blinking at occasions. Not letting any emotions seep through. Kenma honestly did not understand how easy it was for him to talk. It is to believe some things are quite easy to say out loud after all. 

"Kuroo, I'm an idiot. I have spent nearly half of my life not understanding something that was so clear." He started, voice still steady. 

"It's too late to say it now. I regret it. I regret myself." 

𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 (A KuroKen AU)Where stories live. Discover now