Chapter 7

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The next morning felt fairly usual. Clients, cleaning and orders was all Kenma could think of for the first few hours. However it is only after looking at his calendar he realized something. Today marked the midsummer. Today was already marking the first half of his summer job here. Already? Kenma asked himself. But it felt too quick. Is it really almost over? 

His head felt nearly dizzy. He won't see Kuroo everyday soon. He won't wake up and go cut flowers, in that little shop. Why did he even accept in the first place? How many times did he warn himself? He swallowed his frustration. He needs to further himself. His heart already felt heavy. His heart grew flowers every time he was with Kuroo. His heart, felt full. 

But as soon as he realized what he was feeling, Kenma stomped that little flame down. He trampled on them, with no hesitation. It can't happen. 

What can't happen?  He still dared to ask himself.

His heart full of growing thorns refused to answer. 


"Are you done for the day? Let's go eat ice cream!" Kuroo yelled, attracting some disappointed glares from the older people nearby.

He would've said yes. It's always yes with Kuroo.

It's for the summer. You won't get to see him again.

It was all it took for Kenma to decide. He shook his head, his gaze solidly driven on anywhere except Kuroo. His face dropped, confused.

"Not today. Sorry." Kenma exited the shop, making himself busy with rose trimming. Kuroo followed him.

"Why? Do you have another friend? We could-"

He kept pushing. And the more insisting Kuroo was, Kenma's discontent was rising. Why was he pretending they'll last forever? 

Is he that selfish, to not care about how something is bound to end?

"Because I'm busy. I think you can understand that. " Kenma dryly said. 

Kuroo simply blinked, surprised more than anything. He didn't retaliate. Not even raise his voice. He smiled. 

"I see. I'm sorry, for insisting. I'll see you." His giddy tone was trying to cover the tremble of his voice. He waved at Kenma, and before he could add anything else, left.

Kenma stood still, not daring to move. Maybe that way, Kuroo will come back. But he knew. Kenma could wait there, in front of the shop for a lifetime, and he'll still be alone.

A small tear escaped his eyelid, sliding on his cheek. Then, another. Next thing he knew, his whole face was wet. A shiny light caught his attention. It was the sun setting down, reflecting on a small mirror. 

One of those beautiful, pastel sunsets he had grown to love. But this time, he couldn't even look at it out of shame. Something so beautiful.... Kenma wasn't deserving of it. So he steadily kept his eyes on the mirror, watching the sky go dark as he felt the flowers wilt. 

𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 (A KuroKen AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ