Part 4

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Darkness. Night is my favorite. It's the only time they allow me out from the shadows. I approach her bed. Her knees tucked by her chin and her hands underneath her head. Her breathing is slow and steady. Her nose whistles with every inhale. I squat next to her and brush her hair from her face. Her face, usually scrunched with anxiety, is relaxed. Sleep is the only time she is peaceful. It almost makes me feel bad for what I am doing to her. I smirk. Almost. I must save myself.

Today I achieved great success. They'll praise me for it. Milo deserves some of the praise, I suppose. I only feed her thoughts and make them stronger.

She thinks because she is moving she can escape me. But I will follow her to the end of the Earth. She is the one to save me. I sit on the side of the bed. I rub her back, the bones poke out from her shirt. Strange though. I seem to have grown to care for her a bit. I haven't cared in years. Once I agreed to focus on myself and not the... subjects.

Her face annoys me. She's too peaceful. I dig my nails into her back. She winces. I dig deeper. Her body jerks away and I let her go. Her mouth contorts into a scream and her body thrashes, nearly knocking me off the bed. I stand and lean close to her. "Sweet dreams."

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