Chapter 13: The Past Isn't Always so Great

Start from the beginning

I gave a heavy sigh. What was I worrying about? I glanced at the clock, 6:23 pm. Joshua is about an hour late. The oven beeped loudly. I stood up, and walked over to it. I opened the oven door. Heat struck my face as I peered in. A beautiful, crisp pizza was before me. I pulled out the tray it was on, and placed it on the counter top. The pizza had a perfect red sauce with such a smooth looking cheese. I breathed in the deep smell. It smelt so dang good! I grabbed a knife from a drawer, and cut the pizza in many different pieces. We can definitely eat this pizza for days! I grabbed a slice, and began to pull it away from the others. The cheese was stickly to other slices, making strings of cheese rise with it. My mouth watered. I picked up the slice, about to take a big bite, when I heard the familiar footsteps outside the door, and the familiar sound of a key turning the lock. Joshua! I dropped the slice, and skipped towards the door. He came in. His brilliant green eyes seemed so exhausted and dull. He's shoulders dropped. His hair was ruffled. His face and hands were covered with some sort of dirt. But he looked perfect.

"Hey Joshy! What took so long? Rough day?" I asked, smiling brightly.

"Yeah it was pretty rough." Joshua only gave me a small smile back.

"What took you so long? Did they keep you late?" I took a small step towards him.

"No, I took up a few extra hours." Joshua said flatly.

A few extra hours? He already worked so much! I stared at him for a moment. I mean come on! We still struggled at times, but right now we had a good amount saved.

"Ky. If you're pregnant, I want to provide for you and the baby." Joshua looked at me with such determination.

"Joshy! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not pregnant! We're only 18!" I brushed it off.

Joshua dug around in his pocket and pulled out something. A small box. A pregnancy test. He tossed it at me; I instinctively caught it.

"Ky, take this. There's two of them. Take them both. I want to know for sure." Joshua stared at me.

"Fine. If it'll make you feel better." I huffed, walking to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I took the first test. I was slightly surprised by its results. I shrugged, and took the other one. Same result. Two screw up tests in one box? I laughed internally. But in the back of my mind, I knew they were both right. I knew I was indeed pregnant.

When I told Joshua, he only looked at me. We finished our food, and went to bed. The next day we went to a doctor. Just to make sure. The doctor confirmed that the pregnancy tests were indeed correct. We began our road to our new life. Throughout the next nine months, Joshua picked up more and more hours. I ended up quitting the idea of going to college and got a job. We rarely saw each other at all. But the pregnancy was smooth, and after nine months I had my baby. I even managed to keep it a secret from everyone. Both of my parents were in some foreign country. They left the moment I moved in with Joshua. My older sister, Caroline, was about a 4 hour drive away. Plus, she had her own husband and daughter. She had no reason to worry about me.

I laid in a hospital bed. I had only given birth a few hours before, but I was ready to see my child. My daughter. I could still hear the bright voice of the doctor as he announced it was a girl. Joshua sat beside me. He's eyes traveled through mine.

"Joshy. We have a child. A daughter." I smiled at him.

"I know Ky. And I bet she's so wonderful." Joshua smiled back.

"I can't wait to see her." I breathed.

"She's going to have an awesome, fun mom." Joshua said happily.

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