Kirishima's P.O.V. ; Kirishima's House ; Chapter 7

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"What the fuck!?" In the drawer were photos of me with my ex-boyfriend. In all of the photos his face was scribbled out. There was also a knife and bandages in the drawer. Bakugou picked up the knife shakily. "There's blood on this..." He turned and grabbed my shoulders, gripping them tightly. "Whoever that bastard is and whatever he did to you, doesn't mean you should hurt yourself.  Cutting yourself is not the answer, Shitty Hair. Do you understand?" He glared at me, waiting for me to answer. "I understand Bakubro." He released his tight grip on my shoulders. "Good. Then I'll be taking this, since you promised not to use it anymore. Now, where are the eggs?" He said, shoving the knife into pocket. I shut the drawer containing the photos, and opened the one to the left of it. Shit, I was so close to opening it the first time! "The eggs are in here Bakubro!" I said, motioning to the drawer. He took four egg from the drawer, then slammed it shut. Thankfully, I didn't hear the sound of eggs breaking. Once he grabbed the eggs, he turned towards me with a concerned look on his face. "Why the fuck do you put eggs in a drawer, are you insane Shitty Hair!" "Maybe... I don't know! At least you found the eggs!" Bakugou stared at me for a few seconds then sighed. "I know you're not crazy, just help get the rest of the ingredients Shitty Hair." "Yeah man, of course!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air. We gathered the rest of the ingredients, and in an hour, the food was ready. Bakugou looked over the meal proudly. "It looks so good..." I whispered, drooling slightly. Bakubro noticed this and smirked. "You can eat it now Shitty Hair, but don't eat it all!" He said, but I didn't hear the last part, which resulted in me eating all of the food. "I said not to eat it all, Shitty Hair! Don't you listen?!" Bakugou yelled angrily as I wiped my mouth. "I'm sorry Bakubro... Wait, there's something in my pocket..." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a katsudon. I waved it in front of Bakugou's face proudly. "Look Bakubro, there's still some left! Do you want it?" "No, fuck off!" Bakugou shouted, pushing the food away. "Ok, then I'll eat it!" I shouted, going to take a bite when... He suddenly snatched it out of my hand and shoved it in his mouth, chewing loudly. "I though you didn't want it." I said. "I was fucking hungry!" He said between bites. "It was almost in my mouth though!" "So?" He asked. "So? My spit got on it Bakubro!" I shouted, waving my hands around me. "That's fucking disgusting." He mumbled. "Then why are you still eating it!?" I yelled, exasperated. "Like I said, I was fucking hungry." He said, swallowing the rest of the katsudon and walking away. "Where are you going!?" I shouted, running after him. "Going home, back to my shitty parents." I looked at him confused. "What do you mean 'shitty'?" He sighed again. "Any parent who leaves their kid in a graveyard sobbing uncontrollably, is probably pretty shitty. I can't wait until school starts, then I can live at the dorms!" Wait... Dorms? There's only one high school with dorms! He's going to UA!

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