Chapter 3: First Mission

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Wanda's POV:
I wake up early and went to the bathroom connected to my room. I look in the mirror and brush my hair and soon I have my hair in braids.
Wanda's Hair

I change into black leggings, a red tank top, and some combat boots

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I change into black leggings, a red tank top, and some combat boots. I leave my room and sense someone was awake and scared. I walk through the hallway where all of the rooms and stop at Clarice's door sensing it coming from here. I open the door and saw Pietro and Lorna trying to calm her down, "Your safe, Cadmus can't find you here." Pietro was trying to reassure her. I go over to her bed and sat down next to Clarice, I saw her cheeks tear stained and was still crying, "Your ok, Clarice." I slightly pick her up and put her in my lap, and she slightly curled up. I use my telepathy to get her back to sleep, and after a while she did. I lay her down and put a blanket on her, "What happened?" I whisper, "I just heard sobbing and I followed it to her room. I came in and she was rocking on her bed think Cadmus was coming to do what ever they did to her. Lorna came in shortly afterwards and we calmed her down a little bit, but not a lot." Pietro explains in a whisper. I nod and notice they look exhausted, "Y'all need some more rest. You two go lay down." They don't protest knowing they'd lose and go back to their rooms. I leave Clarice's room and go to the kitchen and living room area, and Black Canary was there messing with a tablet. I walk where the kitchen was and I look at the book on the counter. Cadmus used their telepathic monkey things to teach us stuff like math, reading, and writing. I realize it was a cook book and I open it. I flip through the book and begin reading it, "Your up early." I look up at the origin of the voice and saw Black Canary looking at me, "Couldn't sleep." I respond and soon went back to the cook book. As bad as I wanted to read everyone's mind, I can't learn identities if I did Cadmus can make us submissive and learn all they needed to know. MM, Conner, KF, Robin, Aqualad, Pietro, and Lorna filed in, all in athletic clothes. Pietro came up to me, "Your gonna have to wake up Clarice." I nod and went to get her, "Where are you going?" I hear KF's voice behind me, "I'm getting Clarice." I continue on and went into her room. I use my telepathy to wake her up. Clarice slowly opens her eyes, "Wanda?" Clarice mumbles, "Yeah, it's me. It's time to get up." Clarice sits up, "I'm gonna leave you to change just go to the main area after your done." I left. I sit on the couch and wait for Clarice in the main area. Clarice comes in with her hair in a high ponytail, and sits down next to Lorna. After Red Tornado told us we have no missions and sit down and chat for a while until MM jumps up, "My cookies!" MM flies off very fast as we stare at each other confused. We all go to the kitchen as she sets them down on the counter, "I'll make more?" Aqualad speaks up, "It was sweet of you to make anything." MM sighs, "Thanks Aqualad.." Wally starts eating the burnt cookies, "We're off duty, call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually my friends call me Kaldur." Wally starts talking, "I'm Wally, see? I already trust you with my secret ID. Unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over here." Gesturing to Robin, "Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder from telling anyone his real name." Robin scoffs and MM speaks up, "Mine's no secret, it's M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Meghan. It's a earth name and I'm on earth now.." Conner starts walking off until he yells, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Meghan looks confused until she starts talking telepathically to all of us causing Clarice to hyperventilate, "M'gann stop!" I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as I knelt in front of Clarice, "CADMUS isn't here, it was just Meghan." I grab both her hands and she calms down, "I know what we can do!" With that Meghan flies off and we follow. We go into an elevator and go to the hangar, "It's my martian bioship!!" Meghan opens her hand and the ship morphs into a actual ship shape and we board and take off. After a bit Red Tornado came over the intercom, "Red Tornado to Miss Martian, An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending Coordinates." Meghan changes course to fly towards the signal, "Keeping us a busy again.." I heard Robin grumble, "A simple fire led you CADMUS, we should see what caused the signal." Conner speaks up, "I think I know the cause.." We look to where he was looking and see a twister, "Crap." I hear Pietro say behind me as we get sucked into the twister and spin rapidly. Meghan gets us out of the twister and lands the ship, and we hurry out. We hear screaming inside and Kaldur starts giving orders, "Robin? ROBIN?!?" I telepathically scan the area for him, "He's already inside getting his butt kicked." Pietro and Wally speed inside to help him. We get in to see a red man shooting twisters from his hands, "Who's your new friend??" Conner says, "Didn't catch his name, but he plays kind of rough!" The man laughs, "My apologies. You may address me as Mister Twister." Twister makes multiple twisters, "We need to get civilians away from here!" Kaldur yells. I take lead, "Cl- Blink can get them farther away not too far but far enough to get them to safety." Clarice yells in response, "I can't hold it open forever!" I hit Twister with one of my energy bolts, "Polaris will go and help you out!" Clarice and Lorna run out and start evacuating. Robin, Kaldur, Wally, Pietro, and Meghan try to hit him melee but are pushed back by twisters. I lock eyes with Pietro and he nods, so I disappear into the darkness as Twisters boasts and rambles. I get behind him and make the biggest hex bolt I've made, "Boo." Twister turns around and us hit with my bolt launching him across the factory and Lorna comes in and crushes his armor causing it to be unusable. Meghan calls Red Tornado and he rambles how it is odd this twister looks sort of like him and has his abilities, "AGH!" Twister made multiple twister busting out of his bonds and runs off, "Clearly we need a better strategy." Conner grunts, "If Meghan hadn't contacted Red Tornado we wouldn't have been distracted." I stare at him in disbelief, "That isn't fair, Conner. Meghan was trying to help!" Conner death glares me, "Look how that went. I'm going after him maybe Meghan should hit the showers." With that he jumps away, "Wally and Robin take off after him, "I was trying to be apart of the team..." I hear Meghan mumble, "I don't think we have one." Kaldur says and chases after them leaving, Pietro, Lorna, Clarice, Meghan, and I were left alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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