Chapter 1: The Discovery

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What up my dudes! New Story yay! This is a DC/ Marvel crossover with not a whole ton of Marvel characters. I will say now I'm not dedicating a part to explain their powers. If you want to know more about their powers look it up! This starts on the first episode of Young Justice Season 1 episode 1, I'm going to skip through the breaking into the Cadmus building and the fight with Superboy. Right now they just escaped where they were trying to take DNA to clone Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin. They are now running towards the elevator with Superboy, anyway enjoy, til' next time!
Robin's POV:
We just saved this Superman clone when he goes wide- eye, "The others!" I make out from his mutters as he turns around and runs back towards his containment cell, "COME ON! We just saved your butt!" Kid Flash/ Wally yells, "Come on he might need help." Aqualad announces, as serious as ever, before running to catch up with the Superman clone. I look at Wally and shrug, and I run after Aqualad. I arrive as soon as the Superman clone rips the door off, "What do you want us to call you anyway?" I yell out at the clone, "Superman." He responds, "Nah, Superman is already taken. I'm calling you Superboy." I say and Superboy grunts. We walk in and saw three containment cells, the first one has a boy with icy blonde hair and is chained to the floor by his ankles, the second cell has a girl with tangled auburn hair and has a straight jacket, and the third one has a younger girl with emerald green hair except she isn't confined to one spot but her entire cell was plastic, all of them have shock collars. The green haired girl looks up at us and smiles. She ran and start banging on her glass, "Wanda, Pietro it's Conner!" The other two kids lift their heads and smile as well. Superboy, or Conner I guess, comes and rips the door off of their cells. I go over and unlock the boy, Pietro's shackles while Aqualad undid Wanda's straightjacket. Superboy rips their shock collars off. Wanda and Pietro stretches out and Lorna runs over and hugs them, "Is there anyone else?" Superboy asks, "Yes, follow me!" The green haired girl exclaims, and runs towards a door, she opens her hand it was covered in a kind of green aura as well as the door, "What's your name?" Wally asks, "Lorna." Lorna jerks her hand back ripping the door off it's hinges, Wally looks star struck. Conner goes in the room and turns the light on and see a girl restrained on the bed with a IV and tray full of sedatives and of course a shock collar, "The heck.." Wally mutters. The girl has black hair with magenta and purple highlights as well as pointed ears and markings on her face. I had some medical training so I remove the IV and Superboy undoes the restraints and picks her up bridal style. Superboy rips her shock collar off, "Let's go." Superboy said, "Pietro can you get your sisters?" Wanda spoke soon after, "I can run along side you, for extra protection, Pietro get Lorna out." Pietro nods and picks up Lorna, he becomes a blur of blue and leaves a blue trail behind him, "All you got powers?" I blurt out, Wanda and Conner nod. They start running towards the elevator, some guards came around, but before anyone could do anything, a red bolt hit the guards. I look back to see Wanda's eyes glowing red as well as red mist surrounding her open hand, she looks right at me and smiles. We make it to the elevator and hear a gasp, the girl in Conner's arms was awake. The girl has her eyes open and I can't help but gasp, she has no pupils or irises, they were just green. The girl covers her face and closes her eyes and Wanda came over, "We're not gonna hurt you we are getting you away from this lab." Wanda grabs girl's hand and moves them uncovering her face and looks at Wanda, "What's your name?" Wanda asks very quietly, "C- C- Clarice." The elevator dings and Clarice jumps a bit. Wanda grabs her hand and Conner sets her down. We go outside, and oh crap. Batman (Bruce Wayne), Superman (Clark Kent) and Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) are outside watching Lorna and Pietro closely. Batman looks at me and narrows his eyes, "What do you think your doing." I look at him and I was about to open my mouth when Conner pushes past me and stares at Superman I start talking, "We found him and these guys," I gesture to Pietro, Wanda, Lorna, and Clarice who was hiding her face behind Wanda, "and rescued them. Conner, " I point to him," Is a clone of Superman. I don't know about the rest of them. They all have powers though, although I don't know if Clarice does." Batman looks past me and back at the rest of the kids.
Batman's POV:
A clone? Cadmus made a clone of Clark, and these other kids. I walk pass Robin and walked over to where Diana was standing who was talking to the other "experiments". I examine the kids and notice one hiding behind the brown haired girl, I need names. I look at Diana and she nods back, "What's your names?" Diana asks. The ice blonde haired boy responds, "I'm Pietro, that's Wanda my twin sister," he points at the brown haired girl, "that's Lorna my younger sister," he points to the green haired girl, "that's Conner," he points at the Superman clone, "and that's Clarice!" He points to the figure behind Wanda. Diana then asks, " How old are you?" Wanda then spoke, "Pietro and I are 15, Lorna is 14, Conner is 16, and Clarice is 10." Conner turns and looks at her, "I'm a telepath." Wanda responds. That can be useful, "What can you do?" I state pretty firmly . Clarice flinches everyone got in a defense position, "Whoa! He's with me he just talks like that." They let down their defense and look at each other, "Better to show than tell." Lorna said. Pietro becomes a blur of blue and leaves a trail of blue lightning and comes back with some bottles of water and throws one at Wanda who in return opens her hand. The bottle then was surrounded by a red mist as well as Wanda's hand her eyes were also glowing red. The bottle flies to her hand and she opens the bottle, mist and the glow in her eyes dissipate. Lorna opens her hand and a green aura surrounds her hands and all the nearby metal objects all began levitating and the electricity shorts out. The siblings stop, but Clarice didn't budge, "Hang on."
Clarice's POV:
I've been hiding behind Wanda the whole time. I've been watching through holes in Wanda's skirt. After they demonstrated their powers I didn't move. Wanda said, "Hang on," and turns around and crouches to my level, "These guys won't hurt you. I read and checked all their minds before I let Pietro saying anything. They won't hurt you." I look at her with my fully green eyes, "Will they hate me for how I look?" Wanda shakes her head, "From the memories I looked at they work with a green man with fully red eyes, a furry green man who shape shifts, and white skinned girl with purple hair. I think your the least strange thing they'll see." I felt a little better, " Ok." Wanda smiles and nods and I peek my head around her shoulder but retreats back. Wanda offers her hand and I take it. Wanda stands up and steps aside.
Diana's POV:
I look at Clarice in awe. Clarice does not look like the other 4, she has Purple and Magenta highlights in her hair, a upside down triangle under her right eye, and completely green eyes. Bruce even looks taken aback. Clarice looks up at Wanda and receives a nod, I don't think the other kids know what she can do. I watch as she puts her hands opposite of each other and purple and magenta sparks happen in between. A small hole was made in between her hands she pulled her hands farther away and the hole became bigger revealing it was a portal. The other side, right behind Superman. Clarice jumps through the portal it closing behind her. Batman turns around and looks at Clarice. "Come let's give you kids a home." I state, the Batmobile and my Invisible Jet were summoned. Robin hops in the passenger seat of the Batmobile, we give Wally the location to go to and he says he'll show Pietro the way and they take off. I take Wanda and Lorna into the Invisble Jet and Batman takes Clarice and Conner in the Batmobile. Superman flies towards the base most likely to contemplate the existence of the clone.

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