Izuku waits a few seconds for the yelling to fade before speaking.
"Yeah... th- that was me, but I can assure you that I'm okay," Midoriya continues, frantically thinking of an excuse for all the blood.

<Were you injured or was someone else? Or d-> Mitsuki interrogates.
"I'm sorry Aunty, but I need to eat my dinner,"
"We can finish talking another time," Izuku interrupts, stressed.

Izuku quickly hangs up before Mitsuki could reply.
Midoriya's eyes nearly miss an unread message he must have got while on the call.
He glances at the name, before nearly choking on air.


<                               🩸Reaper🩸

(Congrats on your first kill!!!
٩( ᐛ )و)
(Woot woot!)

(Thank you... ??)

(Oh! Have you created your information journal
thingy yet?)

(No, not yet, I'll do it soon though)
(I forgot to ask before, but how do I
cloak myself and/or others?)

(Good question!)
(It's not really a quirk, but you can activate it as such)
(I guess, you should start off by imagining an area surrounding a certain spot closed off by other people that may be passing by)
(If someone were to enter the area you masked, they would just faze right through you)
(It would seem like no one's there, including your victim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

(Thanks... I probably should have asked this before you left ( ̄▽ ̄;))

(Yeah! I mean like, what made you think walking on  a sidewalk where multiple people are, while your clothes are still covered in your own blood?)
(How stupid are you? (/ _ ; ))

(Yeah thanks ...)

(You also may want to find some way to earn money! (⌒▽⌒))

(... and find a way to get some money...)

(Anyway, I got to go! Things to do, souls to reap, you know the drill)

(Yeah, bye)



Izuku shoves his phone into his pocket, letting out a long sigh.

'I know if someone were to find Inko's body and notice me missing, I'll immediately become the main suspect and I'll have multiple people after me,' Izuku ponders, walking to his poorly decorated room.
'So leaving her body here is not an option.'

'I could use Inko's legal problems to my advantage and make it seem like she bolted, attempting to run away from the cops,'

'It'll take a while to clean and set up but I think it's my best option,' Izuku concludes, pacing back and forth.
Midoriya pauses suddenly, remembering his conversation with The Reaper.

'I should create the information grimoire he talked about,' Izuku reflects, slowly walking to his broken bookshelf filled with multiple old notebooks.
Most of them contain his detailed notes about multiple heroes.

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