
"Because I tell you things I can't even tell myself"

"What is it?" He asked. "You look worried"

"I am. I'm worried that I'm not good enough, strong enough. I don't know if I'm cut out for this whole hero life"

"You're more cut out for this than I am," he told me.

"I'm scared. What's going to happen after this? I don't think I'll make it, I'd just mess it up like I mess everything else up"

"Tamira," he said, placing his hands on my shoulders, squeezing tightly. "You love to help people, you hate seeing people in trouble, in pain, you want to save people. You're a hero"

"Am I though?"

"Well, not technically, we don't have our licenses yet. But you can be a hero, you have everything it takes"

"I never could keep anything from you. I guess that's still true to today"

"No, that's not," he says.


"What are you hiding?"

My eyes widened at his question. It was like back then. Except I had grown, stuck more to myself, kept everything to myself. Mainly because I had no one to talk to. And he new when something was wrong.

"Do you hate me?" I ask. "Because, honestly, I wouldn't be mad. I sort of hate myself at the moment. There were so many other things I could've done, and this is what I chose"

"No. No, I don't hate you. I don't think it's possible for me to hate you, no matter what happens. But you're avoiding the question. Just what is it that you're hiding?"

"You want to know, because you think it will make everything better, but trust me, it will only put you in danger. I can't put that on you"

I couldn't put the burden of knowing my secret on him. I would have to suffer in secrecy, just like I did acting as a villain. Being a hero unable to help.

The sounds of screams surrounded me, taking over all my senses. It grew to be too much to handle. I couldn't focus on anything. I brought my hands up to my ears, hoping to block out the sounds, but it wouldn't go away.

It pained me so much to be unable to save these people. I was a hero, that's what I was supposed to be able to do without a second thought. But what made it so unbearable was the fact that I couldn't.

I knew I couldn't.

That was when I first started acting as a villain. They would wreak havoc all over, and I'd be helpless, only able to watch. I grew used to it over time, but the memories still haunted me.

"I-I should go," I excuse myself, rushing out of the bar after tossing a couple bills next to my drink.

Once I stepped out of the bar I vanished, quickly moving away. I spent the rest of the day pondering over what I said. It was nice speaking with Aizawa, as if we hadn't gone for years without speaking, although I did most of the talking, that's how it had been before.

A couple days passed and I found myself wanting to see him again. So, I bought some ingredients from the store, then went to his apartment, leaving the bags outside for a moment while I went in and unlocked the door so I could bring them in.

He was still in the same place as last time, not one for change. But he wasn't home. That gave me some time to prepare the food, a delicious scent filling the place. Just as I finished with the food I heard the door open.

"You're in the wrong place," Aizawa says, somehow not shocked to see me standing in the kitchen.

"I'm right where I need to be"

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Well, I feel partly at fault that you were in such bad condition, and I feel that one drink wasn't enough, so I wanted to make you a meal. Come on, Shouta. Please? I have it all made, it's ready to eat"

He set his goggles and scarf down on the table in the living room. Then he sat down at the dinning table as I brought over two plates of food, then a bottle wine with two wine glasses. We both ate in silence, enjoying the food I had prepared. He finished eating before me, then stared at the table as he waited for me to finish.

"What is it?" I ask before stuffing some more food into my mouth.

"About earlier, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry about everything that happened at the USJ. It wasn't supposed to be like that, they were only after All Might-"

"They?" He repeats.


I spoke as if I wasn't a part of the group that wants All Might dead. And of course he picked out that one small mistake. I was letting my guard down for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"I don't have anything against the man," I explain. "It was their plan to kill him"

"Then why go?"

I shrugged. "I'm not really sure"

I grabbed my glass full of wine and chugged it down. I saw Aizawa shake his head as he watched me, and when I set my glass back down I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"I missed this," I say softly. "Being around you. It's been a while since I've had someone to properly speak with"

"How much have you been keeping to yourself?"

"So much"

He stood up and grabbed both of the plates, taking them into the kitchen. I followed after him with the empty glasses and wine bottle.

"You can stay longer if you want," he says, then mumbled, "you're already here"

I sat down on the couch while he went down the hall. A cat jumped up and climbed onto my lap, curling up. I smiled and scratched its head, receiving some happy purrs.

"You've let your guard down," I mention when I heard him walking into the living room. "I'm still a villain, remember?"

"Yeah. But I trust you"

My head snapped up when he spoke. It was an answer I never expected, something I wouldn't have believed if I didn't have the quirk I had. He said the truth, he only ever said the truth to me. He sat beside me and I continued to stare at him.

"You're staring"

"You trust me?"

"When we fought, I could tell you were holding back, just as I was. But, seeing you again, on the enemy side, was a surprise"

"I hoped I wouldn't run into you," I say. "Not like that"

I got a good look at the goggles sitting on the table, noticing they were a slightly modified version of what I had given him. He caught me looking at them, speaking up.

"I still have the goggles"

"You what?" I ask

"Those goggles you gave me, I still have them"

"You do?"

"I stopped wearing them because... I didn't want to lose them like I lost you. They were all I had left of you"

I couldn't keep my cheeks from heating up at his comment. I gently moved the cat off of my lap, setting it down on the couch, then I stood up.

"I don't think I should stick around any longer," I tell him. "Don't want to get you in trouble for hanging around a villain"

Something wrapped around my wrist, stopping me before I could move anywhere. When I looked down I found his hand tightly gripping my wrist.

"Take care of yourself. I don't know what's happened to you, what changed you, but be careful. This path you've chosen..."

"I know. And I will," I smiled, my eyes shutting as I did. "You do the same, okay?"

Lie to Me (Aizawa x OC)Where stories live. Discover now