"Well, this was what I was able to set aside for Rae and the baby. Everything I have might be up for grabs, but they can't touch this. They're gonna be okay."

"Everything else is fair game?"

"Well, the foundation has to keep the hospitals afloat, so I have decided to pay all the personal settlements myself. I mean, it's really hard to quantify loss like this."

"Thank you.." I softly kissed him.

"You don't need to thank me.." he whispered, breaking the kiss.

"Uh, Jackson, Bailey's looking for you." Richard said, peeking his head in then closing it behind him.

"I'll see you at home, okay?"

He left, following Richard. Droplets wet my scrub top as the day's events set in..

"Hey.." Alex softly said, coming in.

"It's true?" He questioned, pulling a chair in front of me. I nodded.

"I knew something was up. You haven't been yourself.. I've noticed the fake smiles and laughs, not as many smart comments.." I toyed with the lettering on the folder.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've been right behind Avery."

"That's why."

"I love you. What do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know! I don't need anyone getting hurt because of me."

"This isn't because of you! This is that sicko's fault. Don't forget that.."

I huffed, feeling the tears coming again.

"You wanna know a secret? Don't tell anyone or I'll kill you... Oops, sorry, too soon." I laughed through the tears.

"I cried last night because the light of my life is losing herself and I don't know how to help. As your bestfriend, it's my job to protect you and I failed... I failed.."


The sun shined, barely melting the snow. The cold air chilled my skin as I walked with Ben to the car. We'd been spending the day together since he claimed we barely hung out anymore.

"Old man." I insulted him. He scoffed, pushing my head.

I loudly grunted, feeling a sudden pain in my stomach. I grabbed his hand, squeezing and holding myself up.

"What happened? Is it the baby?" I looked at him, breathing raggedly.

"Let's get you in the car."

Once we were in, he drove around the area. Cars were sliding into each other on the road due to them speeding or not stopping early enough.

"No, no, no."

I opened my eyes, the small exit out had been blocked off by snow.

"Cath- Catherine lives that way. Go."

He maneuvered his way around, ending up in Catherine's complex. As soon as we arrived, he stopped the car, running to knock then helping me to the door.

"Sage?" Catherine uttered once she'd opened the door.

"The baby's coming, and we can't get to the hospital."

She nodded, immediately clearing off the dining room table. She laid a blanket and some towels on it then helped me lie down. After a while, I looked at the clock, confused as to where my baby daddy was.

"Where's Jackson?"

"I can't reach him." Ben said.

"He's at the hospital, in the middle of a sixteen hour surgery." Catherine announced.

"Well, how long does he have left?" Catherine nervously looked away, pretending not to hear me.

"Catherine.." I softly pushed out.

"Maybe twelve hours.."

"What?" I gasped.

"Deep breaths, Sage. Your levels are rising again." Ben warned.

Hours had went by, I still hadn't heard from Jackson. My mind started to convince my body that I couldn't do this again. Ben wiped my forehead, assuring me.

"I can't do this."

"Yes you can."

"I need Jackson, Ben."

I was having a total breakdown without him next to me. Catherine suddenly held a phone up to my face, she was on a FaceTime call with Jackson. The OR helped me start to relax as I heard his voice.

"Hey, hey, I'm here." He lowered his head then looked back at me.

"Whoa, look at you, my beautiful queen. How do you feel?" I could see his smile through his eyes.

"Exhausted.. I don't think I can do this."

"Of course you can. My surgery's almost over, I'll see you real soon, okay?"

"How soon?"

"I don't know.." I loudly groaned. More tears fell from my eyes.

"Bohkee says hi, and you are strong, you got this."

"Thanks, Bohkee."

The camera turned to her. She nodded her head, the camera turning back to him. His eyes had a light in them.. I dropped the phone, squeezing the small pillow as another contraction hit me.

"You're eight centimeters dilated, almost there." Ben announced. Catherine held the phone up, giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"I will be there as soon as I can, love."

"You can't. Idiots are making a mess of the road and the entrance is blocked by snow."

"Damnit.. alright, you breathe, everything's gonna be fine."

The call suddenly ended before the lights flickered. They looked around while I squeezed the pillow again, screaming into it.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now