Chapter 16

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The nine days passed; Aceso and Ren came home to one extremely clean house. The moment they walked through the door, both of them were greeted with hugs and kisses.

"How was the trip?" Lee asked as he took Ren into his arms. "Did you have fun?" Ren made a happy noise as he smiled. 

"Momma!" Metal exclaimed as he jumped up, tackling her in a hug.

"Little bug," Aceso laughed as she kissed the top of his head. 

"All of us were able to fill in for you a bit at the hospital if needed," Pia informed. "Since you taught us to make medicine, they weren't too concerned, even Daddy."

"Dad filled at the pharmacy?" Aceso asked in surprise.

"Please don't act so surprised," Lee stated as he hung his head. "A full day in your shoes at the hospital was not easy." 

"You filled in at the hospital?" Aceso asked in even more surprise. 

"Just as a receptionist," Lee stated, Aceso laughed. "My love."

"I believe you did fine," Aceso laughed. "Plus everyone likes a cute receptionist." Lee looked up, his cheeks grew red.

"Not in front of the kids," Dino groaned as he put a hand over his mouth, puffing out his cheeks. "So gross, keep it PG." Aceso laughed, as she dragged him into a hug. "Mom."

"Oh, I just remembered," Aceso stated. "The Kazekage, Kankuro, and Shinki should be coming into the village soon."

"Huh? What for?" Lee asked.

"There is going to be a Kage summit," Aceso answered. "They are going to stay with the Naras."

"Shinki's coming?" Dino asked in surprise. "He never comes."

"Well since Shinki is to be Kazekage one day, Gaara wants him to get a small glimpse, I guess," Aceso explained. 

"Good thing we cleaned the house," Pia stated.  "Dino, aren't you at the pharmacy today?"

"Right!" Dino chimed, he ran into his room, changed, then ran to the pharmacy. As he was there, a call came from the Uzumaki house. 

"Lady Hinata?" Dino asked.

"Hello, Dino," Hinata greeted. "I am calling to see if you have medicine for a fever, Himawari has come down with one."

"I have to make it, but it should be ready for when you arrive," Dino answered. "Give it ten minutes."

"Thank you, Dino," Hinata stated with a smile through the phone. " See you soon." Dino went in the back and made some medicine, minutes later he was handing it over to Lady Hinata.

"Is Himawari's fever bad?" Dino asked. "My mom came home today, she can come over and take a look at it."

"That is very kind of you to offer," Hinata stated. "But we will be just fine."

"Are you sure Aunt Hinata?" Dino asked.

"You made the medicine, I'm sure this will help Himawari heal faster once she learns that her cousin made it," Hinata answered.

"I'm not sure about that, I'm not as good as my mom," Dino stated, Hinata started laughing. 

"I trust that you made it just like your mom does," Hinata stated. "You are her son after all." She then walked out leaving Dino in a trance.

"Dino?" Oda asked snapping out of it. 

"Big Sis Oda," Dino greeted. "Was my mom really that good of a medical ninja back then?"

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