Chapter 24

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Once everyone was back together, Kagura took them into a building.

"Great job today," Shikadai complimented. "Field trip leader."

"Hey, Iwabee no more running off by yourself anymore, okay?" Boruto requested, Iwabee looked away.

"You too Pia," Metal and Dino said the time as they looked at her.

"Stop him from wandering off next time," Koga ordered, she nodded. 

"I mean damn getting tangled up with that weird guy..." Boruto began.

"Good thing you had my sister with you," Dino said.

"Still if we'd hadn't been around there would have been a throw down for sure," Boruto added. 

"Sorry about that," Kagura apologized looking back at them. "Some people in this town get a little too upset when outsiders come to the island."

"Ah, no worries," Boruto brushed aside. "I'm sure there are guys like that everywhere."

"Besides, this really strong local guy came along and stopped him," Dino added. 

"Strong local guy?" Kagura repeated. 

"Please, who cares about that?" Cho-Cho asked. "What really matters is, where are we going to next?"

"Oh," Kagura smiled looking back at her. "Actually, I'm taking all of you to meet someone very special."

"Someone special?" Koga repeated,

"As in a handsome man?" Cho-Cho asked with hope. 

Sarada groaned. "Oh, Cho-Cho, give it a rest."

"Oh my, my, my," a voice greeted, they looked down the hall to see the 5th Mizukage walking into view. "Well, look at all these cute visitors you brought."

"Lady Mizukage?" Pia gasped. 

"So you know who I am?" Mei asked. 

Pia nodded. "You are in a couple of photos with my mom." Mei stared at the girl and smiled.

"You are Aceso's kid," Mei smiled. "If I remember there are three of you."

"5 now," Koga corrected. "Are you still the Mizukage?"

"This is the former Mizukage," Kagura corrected. "Lady Mei, she was part of the great ninja war effort, and later helped lay the foundation for the village's growth and expansion. 

Mei looked away flustered. "Oh stop, that's all in the past! Stop." They continued to follow Kagura down the hall. "This era will be defined by young people like you. We adults have already had our day in the sun. Right Kagura?"

The guide let out a small gasp, he then lowered his head. "No...I...actually." Lady Mei let out a sigh.

"We've arrived!" Lady Mei chimed. 

"Excuse us," Kagura said as they both opened the door revealing a large, all the way in the back sat a man. Everyone gasped as they walked in. 

"Everyone's here," Mei announced to the man in the chair. 

"Thank you very much," a familiar voice said, the man stood up. "it's nice to meet you, I am Chojuro, and I'm the current Mizukage. Thank you for traveling so far, from the Hidden Leaf to the Hidden Mist Village, I am honored to have you all here." Soon they all stood in a few lines, to listen to the Kage speak. "So my colleagues and I have all agreed, that we would be the host for this special field trip. Will the belief that it would promote development between our villages and foster mutual goodwill." Boruto let out a yawn, which led to Sarada and Boruto bickering during Chojuro's speech. 

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