Chapter 9

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After visiting the Uzumaki household, Pia and Aceso went home. 

"There you two are," Lee greeted, pulling them into a hug as soon as they walked through the door. "You both came in late and snuck out early." 

"We had to go speak to Lord Hokage," Aceso answered. "I will be in the village more."

"I'm happy to hear that," Lee smiled as he lit up. "In case, you have forgotten, you are working at the pharmacy today."

"I will be taking Ren to work with me today," Aceso informed. 

"I'll go with you to work as well," Dino said, they looked to see him standing at the door.

"I as well!" Metal exclaimed, popping into view. "What about you, Pia?"

"Well, I was wondering if you can help me with my training today, Daddy?" Pia requested. 

"Are you up for it?" Lee asked as he looked at her. "I have a rigorous plan in mind."

"Bring it on," Pia smiled. The boys went to work with mom, while Pia did training with dad. They were under a waterfall, Lee was setting up a rope from one rock to another. 

"What is this for?" Pia asked.

"We will be sparring," Lee answered. "You must be prepared to fight anywhere at any time, even at the most unconventional time."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Pia asked looking over the edge.

"I will be here to catch you, do not be afraid to fall," Lee stated.

"But you are my opponent," Pia reminded him. 

"That is true," Lee stated standing up. 

"I don't want you to catch me," Pia stated. "I won't learn if you keep coming to my aid, I must learn how to get back on my feet myself, no matter how hard it will be."

"Your youth is shining brightly today," Lee smiled even bigger. He jumped back; landing on the other side; he got into a fighting position. "Now come at me." Pia nodded; she started to charge towards Lee, running across the rope. They did rope balancing training, so she had no problem, walking or running across it. She jumped, spinning, and her leg slammed into Lee's arm, he grabbed her leg throwing her. Pia landed her feet on the rock, then pounced off, she ran across the rope, with fist ready, She swung her fist forward, Lee blocked it, he blocked the next fist, then went for the middle where she was open, Pia jumped back, she put her leg up, blocking his fist, Lee swept his foot under her other leg, knocking her off balance. Pia fell over and into the water below, she back up to the surface. "Another round!"

'This is a lot harder than I thought," Pia thought to herself as she made her way up. Once she got to the top, Lee started to charge toward her. He began to deliver a whirlwind; Pia did the same back, their legs met in the middle.

"Very good," Lee smiled as they slid across the rope away from each other. "You've canceled out my attack." 

"You are a tough opponent, Daddy," Pia huffed. 

"Tougher opponents may come along, you must be able to cancel out their attacks as well, and they will not have the same fighting style," Lee stated. "Since we train together so much, I will be one of your easier opponents compared to the strangers you meet along the way." Lee put his hand out. "Let's continue!" They continued to train all night, Lee was now carrying Pia home on his back. 

"Thanks for training with me today, Daddy," Pia breathed.

"You trained harder than normal," Lee stated. "How come? Why haven't you been training this hard before?"

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