Not another Solution

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Vinny was now on his own, in a place that he did not know of.

The shots intensified once again, making it hard to concentrate. The shouts and laughing only made him remember the best times back at JJ's studios. He didn't want it, yet he did. 

It doesn't matter, it shouldn't matter. We're somewhere else, and we shouldn't think about that at this moment.

Vinny stood up to leave the entrance of the studio, hoping that there was nobody out. Everyone seemed to be working, anyway. The sound of something solid dropping happened to make Vinny jump again. 
He had to find a way out and back.

The boy rubbed his head to silence all the ringing, unexpectedly making a tear roll down his tender face.                                                                                                                                                                    'Excuse me? Are you new here? Are you lost?' A low yet polite voice spoke. Vinny looked at the person to make sure he wasn't seeing a things. There was also a young male, probably the same age as him, stood in front of him. He wore a cap that was the other way around and wore a plain blue shirt over another. 

Scared about what he thought of might happen to him, he covered his face. 'Yes.. I'm fine, but I have no idea on where I am.' The male knelt down. 'I'm not going to cause any harm to you, don't worry. Would you like me to help?' Vinny nodded shyly. 'Well, you see that I am the first character pretty much anyone can get. It's quite stressful, so I have a very limited amount of time. Come, and I'll teach you how to do the basics of what to do.'

He stretched out his hand to help him up. Vinny was brought into a small shop, which all of the aisles were filled with nothing but emptiness. All the windows were broken, and he could just make out a gas station in front of the shop. He was no longer in the studio.                                              'We're in a map at the minute, so don't fret. I started my training here, which was already 5 years ago now. It's changed a lot, and now here I am teaching others.' He looked back at Vinny and smiled widely. It left a welcoming feeling in his stomach, but there was also somewhere that didn't trust him. 

The male suddenly takes out a dagger and a gun, making him back away. 'Take it. It's a dagger and a deagle, it's the weapons we give to starters.' Vinny nervously takes it as the man in the cap backs away even more to the outside of the store. He stops himself at a rather far distance, and stretches out his arms as if he was to surrender. Vinny hesitates as he looks at him blankly.             'Do it. Shoot me!' he says from the far gap from him, with a confident look wiped on his face. 

'I can't do that..! That's against the rules!' Vinny says, breathing intensifying as the temptation to do it had made him bite his lip. 'Are you kidding? It IS the rules! Now shoot!' the polite tone had faded and it was obviously a demand. The brunette looks away with guilt and points the gun at him, sweat breaking from his forehead. He lightly pulled the trigger, then...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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